
Get started with the tiled data server

Primary LanguagePythonCreative Commons Zero v1.0 UniversalCC0-1.0


Demonstrate tiled server and handling of custom formats.

note: This repository is not a Python package, just a set of Python modules to demonstrate an instance of a tiled data server.


  • Write a custom data file identifier.
  • Write a custom data file loader.
  • Identify NeXus/HDF5 files with arbitrary names.
  • Identify SPEC data files with arbitrary names and read them.
  • Authentication

Stretch goals

  • Read .jpg files.
  • Learn how to ignore files such as .xml (without startup comments).
  • Handle the .npy file with the 10,000+ images. (maybe unrealistic)
  • Handle all examples in punx and spec2nexus
  • Read the synApps MDA format (Python support)
