Clean Starter Kit for Umbraco 9, 10, 11 and 12

⚡ If you're looking for Clean for Umbraco V13+, see Clean!

Latest Release Details:

  • Added post about mastodon
  • Added manifest filter to enable package telemetry
  • Added copy button to code snippet row
  • Added authors
  • Added categories
  • Posts can now be shown in full in the list page
  • Added an Image Carousel Row
  • Added a Code Snippet Row
  • Converted Old Grid to Block List
  • Converted Nested Content to Block List
  • Added a Video Row with lazy iframe loading
  • Converted Groups to Tabs
  • Works with Umbraco 9, 10, 11 and 12
  • Updated to use Bootstrap 5

To try it out on Windows, Mac or Linux, make sure you have downloaded the latest .Net 6 SDK and then run this block of commands in a folder somewhere.

# Ensure we have the latest Umbraco templates
dotnet new -i Umbraco.Templates

# Create solution/project
dotnet new sln --name "MySolution"
dotnet new umbraco -n "MyProject" --friendly-name "Administrator" --email "" --password "1234567890" --development-database-type SQLite
dotnet sln add "MyProject"

#Add starter kit
dotnet add "MyProject" package clean

dotnet run --project "MyProject"