
New Version with namespaces /car

jysah opened this issue · 1 comments

jysah commented

I am following the Navigation Tutorial using a real car.
Thanks for the MuSHR tutorials.
I wouldn't have been able to get this far without the MuSHR tutorials.
MuSHR seems to have two versions: without and with namespaces "/car".
Since I started with the SD card image of the version without namespace, I had a bit of a hard time because of the namespace.
Eventually, I replaced the initial version with the namespace version, using

I installed JetPack of Nvidia Jetson Nano, then executed the script of
The namespaces version has been installed successfully.

Additionally, I installed the gmapping and the navigation stack.
$ cd ~/catkin_ws/src/
$ git clone
$ git clone

$ git clone
$ git clone
$ cd ~/catkin_ws && catkin_make

I made a map with gmapping.
$ rosrun gmapping slam_gmapping scan:=/car/scan _base_frame:=/car/base_link

so far so good.
I copied the map file to ~/catkin_ws/src/mushr_rhc/mushr_rhc_ros/maps/
and changed the map name into real-floor0-edited such as real-floor0-edited.pgm and real-floor0-edited.yaml.

In navigation, mushr_pf seems to work well.
$ roslaunch mushr_pf real.launch

But, mushr_rhc_ros shows some errors.
$ roslaunch mushr_rhc_ros real.launch

[car/rhcontroller-3] process has died ......

Screenshot from 2020-11-28 21-43-19

What did I wrong?
I guess the namespaces version doesn't seem to match well with pf and rhc.
Otherwise, have I missed some libraries or dependencies for rhc?

Thanks a lot in advance.

jysah commented

The rviz shows the saved map, and the 2D Pose Estimate can be specified well, but the 2D Nav Goal is not specified.