
Distributed Scalable Geospatial Data Server

Primary LanguageSmarty

GSKY: Distributed Scalable Geospatial Data Server

What Is This?

GSKY was developed at NCI and is a scalable, distributed server which presents a new approach for geospatial data discovery and delivery using OGC standards.


Copyright 2016, 2017, 2018 Australian National University

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this package except in compliance with the License. A copy of the License may be found in this source distribution in LICENSE-2.0.txt.


Suggestions, enhancement requests, bug reports and patches to GSKY are welcome via this GitHub page. Please submit patches as a GitHub pull request. Authors retain copyright over their contributions.

Citing GSKY in publications

When referring to GSKY in publications please use the citation in CITATION.md. A ready-to-use BibTeX entry for LaTeX users can also be found in this file.

Configuration Files

  1. config.json: Contains the list of WMS and WPS services exposed by the server. It also contains the IP address of the index API used in the workflow.

  2. workers_config.json: Contains the list of worker nodes specifying the IP address and list of ports per worker. Several workers can be specified on a single machine by adding several entries using the same IP address and different ports. These services have to be locally started at the specified machines.

How To Compile the Source


  • Go > 1.6.0
  • GDAL > 2.1.0
  • Various Go packages listed below

Install required packages:

  • go get bitbucket.org/monkeyforecaster/geometry
  • go get github.com/golang/protobuf/proto
  • go get golang.org/x/net/context
  • go get google.golang.org/grpc
  • golang.org/x/crypto/ssh/terminal

These packages can be easily installed with make get.

Now compile the Go code with configure and then make. The configure script takes all of the standard GNU configure flags such as --prefix (to specify where to install GSKY). Once GSKY is compiled, install it with make install.

How To Start the Server

  • Start all the RPC worker nodes: /opt/gsky/sbin/gsky-rpc -p 6000

    The -p option sets the gRPC listening port. The default is port 6000.

  • Start the main server: /opt/gsky/sbin/gsky-ows -c 4

    The -c option sets the level of concurrency at an RPC node.