
My very own C library.

Primary LanguageC

πŸ“š Libft

My first project as a cadet at Γ‰cole 42. This is my own C library.

Status: Finished βœ…πŸš€

About β€’ Features β€’ How it works β€’ Author

πŸ’» About

πŸ“š This is my first project as a student at Γ‰cole 42. I have recoded some functions from the standard C library, as well as some other utility functions that I will use throughout my course.

⚠ This library is intended for use only for Γ‰cole 42 projects.

🎯 Briefing

Part Functions
Libc Mandatory Functions ft_memset, ft_bzero, ft_memcpy, ft_memccpy, ft_memmove, ft_memchr, ft_memcmp, ft_strlen, ft_strlcpy, ft_strlcat, ft_strchr, ft_strrchr, ft_strnstr, ft_strncmp, ft_atoi, ft_isalpha, ft_isdigit, ft_isalnum, ft_isascii, ft_isprint, ft_toupper, ft_tolower, ft_calloc, ft_strdup
Additional Mandatory Functions ft_substr, ft_strjoin, ft_strtrim, ft_split, ft_itoa, ft_strmapi, ft_putchar_fd, ft_putstr_fd, ft_putendl_fd, ft_putnbr_fd
List Bonus Functions ft_lstnew, ft_lstadd_front, ft_lstsize, ft_lstlast, ft_lstadd_back, ft_lstdelone, ft_lstclear, ft_lstiter, ft_lstmap

The behavior of libc functions is defined in man (3). The others are briefly mentioned below.

βš™ Features

String Functions

Function Behavior
ft_substr Allocates and returns a substring from the string s. The substring begins at index start and is of maximum size len.
ft_strjoin Allocates and returns a new string, which is the result of the concatenation of s1 and s2.
ft_strtrim Allocates and returns a copy of s1 with the characters specified in set removed from the beginning and the end of the string.
ft_split Allocates and returns an array of strings obtained by splitting s using the character c as a delimiter. The array is ended by a NULL pointer.
ft_itoa Allocates and returns a string representing the integer received as an argument.
ft_strmapi Applies the function f to each character of the string s to create a new string resulting from successive applications of f.

File Writing Functions

Function Behavior
ft_putchar_fd Outputs the character c to the given file descriptor fd.
ft_putstr_fd Outputs the string s to the given file descriptor fd.
ft_putendl_fd Outputs the string s to the given file descriptor fd, followed by a newline.
ft_putnbr_fd Outputs the integer n to the given file descriptor fd.

Linked List Functions

Function Behavior
ft_lstnew Allocates and returns a new list element. The variable content is initialized with the value of the parameter content. The variable next is initialized to NULL.
ft_lstadd_front Adds the element new at the beginning of the list.
ft_lstadd_back Adds the element new at the end of the list.
ft_lstsize Counts the number of elements in a list.
ft_lstlast Returns the last element of the list.
ft_lstdelone Frees the memory of a list element, applying the function del to the content of the element.
ft_lstclear Same as ft_lstdelone but for all elements starting in lst
ft_lstiter Iterates the list lst and applies the function f to the content of each element.
ft_lstmap Iterates the list lst and applies the function f to the content of each element. Creates a new list resulting of the successive applications of the function f. The del function is used to delete the content of an element if needed.

πŸš€ How it works

Clone this repository

git clone https://github.com/prmarquesz/libft.git

Running Makefile

Go to the directory where you cloned and run the command


Available Options

Command Usage
make Creates the library (equivalent to make all and make libft.a)
make clean Removes the object files
make fclean Removes the object files and the library
make re Invokes fclean rule and then all

πŸ‘¨β€πŸš€ Author

Paulo Roberto Marques

Made with ❀️ by Paulo Roberto Marques πŸ‘‹πŸ½ Get in Touch!

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