
Multimodal Fully Convolutional Neural networks for Semantic Segmentation.

Primary LanguagePython

Multimodal fully convolutional network for SEMANTIC SEGMENTATION using Keras.

Segmentation of differenct components of a scene using deep learning & Computer Vision. Making uses of multiple modalities of a same scene ( eg: RGB image, Depth Image, NIR etc) gave better results compared to individual modalities.

We used Keras for implementation of Fully convolutional Network (FCN-32s) trained to predict semantically segmented images of forest like images with rgb & nir_color input images. (check out the presentation @ https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1z8-GeTXvSuVbcez8R6HOG1Tw_F3A-WETahQdTV38_uc/edit?usp=sharing)


Do the following steps after you download the dataset before you proceed and train your models.

  1. run preprocess/process.sh (renames images)
  2. run preprocess/text_file_gen.py (generates txt files for train,val,test used in data generator)
  3. run preprocess/aug_gen.py (generates augmented image files beforehand the training, dynamic augmentation in runtime is slow an often hangs the training process)

The Following list describes the files :

Improved Architecture with Augmentation & Dropout

  1. late_fusion_improveed.py (late_fusion FCN TRAINING FILE, Augmentation= Yes, Dropout= Yes)
  2. late_fusion_improved_predict.py (predict with improved architecture)
  3. late_fusion_improved_saved_model.hdf5 (Architecture & weights of improved model)

Old Architecture without Augmentation & Dropout

  1. late_fusion_old.py (late_fusion FCN TRAINING FILE, Augmentation= No, Dropout= No)
  2. late_fusion_old_predict.py() (predict with old architecture)
  3. late_fusion_improved_saved_model.hdf5 (Architecture & weights of old model)


Alt text Architecture Reference (first two models in this link): http://deepscene.cs.uni-freiburg.de/index.html


Alt text Dataset Reference (Freiburg forest multimodal/spectral annotated): http://deepscene.cs.uni-freiburg.de/index.html#datasets

Note:Since the dataset is too small the training will overfit. To overcome this and train a generalized classifier image augmentation is done. Images are transformed geometrically with a combination of transsformations and added to the dataset before training. Alt text


Loss : Categorical Cross Entropy

Optimizer : Stochastic gradient descent with lr = 0.008, momentum = 0.9, decay=1e-6


Alt text


This following files in the repository ::

1.Deepscene/nir_rgb_segmentation_arc_1.py :: ("CHANNEL-STACKING MODEL") 2.Deepscene/nir_rgb_segmentation_arc_2.py :: ("LATE-FUSION MODEL") 3.Deepscene/nir_rgb_segmentation_arc_3.py :: ("Convoluted Mixture of Deep Experts (CMoDE) Model")

are the exact replicas of the architectures described in Deepscene website.