#Software required

  • Ruby - 2.3.8
  • Rails - 5.1.7
  • Postgress


  • User authentication and authorization
  • Create, edit, delete, and view blog posts
  • Create comment on post and add like on comment and post.
  • Responsive design using Bootstrap 4
  • PostgreSQL database for storing blog posts and user information

Checkout the repository by running command on terminal

$ git clone

Run the below Tasks under project directory on terminal

##Change directory

$ cd Alpha_blogs

##Installing Dependencies

$ bundle install

#configuration settings for accessing database

  • Open database.yml file (in config folder)

Update following points:

  • database (Database name)
  • username (Database username)
  • password (Database password)
  • host (default value - localhost)
  • port (default value - 5432)

##add .env file to project directory and update with below environment variables.


##Creating database, running seed and migrating tables.

$ rake db:create
$ rake db:migrate