Pro Tailwind - Multi-Theme Strategy Course

This repo contains all the challenges for the Multi-Theme Strategy course.

You don't have to clone this repo since all the challenges can be completed via Gitpod.

When opening a Gitpod link, the relevant code file and UI preview will be open side by side.


If you decide to clone the repo, here's what you need to do to get going:

  1. Clone the repo and install the local dependencies:
npm install
  1. Start the dev server:
npm run dev

You'll be able to open the project in your browser at http://localhost:3000.

Course challenges

This course is a series of problem/solution sequences.

You work on a challenge, and then can compare your approach with the provided solution.

Each step (challenge or solution) has a an id.

For example, take the following step ID:


  • The UI preview will be localhost:3000/01-03-02
  • The code files will be in src/steps/01-03-02

Saving any changes to code files will update the UI preview.