
a Boolfuck To Ctfuck Compiler

Primary LanguageBrainfuck


a Boolfuck To Ctfuck Compiler, based on this thesis (page 86, section 5.2.1). reading it, i found that CTFuck was much closer to a Clockwise Turing Machine than a Cyclic Tag system. still it does not make the name outdated, as they have the same initials...


this works by first compiling BF to a restricted-but-not-really version of BF, which has no >. instead, every command except < moves one cell to the right after doing it's operation. below is the table of BF commands and their equivalent in resricted BF:

BF "restricted" BF
. .<
, ,<
[ [<
] ]<
+ +<
< <
> +<+

finally, it compiles this to CTF. each bit in boolfuck uses 4 bits in CTF. the first two bits tell if this is the R marker or the L marker. the thrid bit stores the value if the current cell is neither, 0 otherwise.

the fourth bit is the Y symbol marker used to move left by one cell..

since CTF is atleast as efficient as a clockwise turing machine, this means that the compiled CTF will take O(t^2) time to run for the source BF program running in O(t), as shown in the above thesis.