
A Laravel 4 package for adding simple pages to a website with banner image, heading, main image or YouTube video and body content.

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A Laravel 4 package for adding simple content managed pages to a website with banner image, heading, main image or YouTube video and body content.


  • Pages can be draft or approved
  • They have a published date that you can set in the future for delayed/scheduled publishing
  • Page uris are automatically generated from the page heading on create, but can be edited
  • Page uris can include '/' to denote sections of a website
  • Configurable route matching pattern (by default it's everything except the root route, i.e. '/')
  • Control page title, meta description and keywords for SEO purposes
  • Uses soft deletes in case you need to retrieve old content
  • Configure the rendered view so you can use one in your app rather than the one in the package
  • Make use of 2 partials in your own view so you can add extra stuff around the banner image and the content area

Comes with a

  • Migration for creating the fbf_pages table
  • Model, controller and view (main view and 2 partials for content and banner image)
  • Built in route (currently catches anything from the root of the site, so include the ServiceProvider last in the list if other packages have routes that this would interfere with)
  • Service provider that automatically registers the eloquent sluggable package


Add the following to you composer.json file

"fbf/laravel-pages": "dev-master"


composer update

Add the following to app/config/app.php


Publish the config

php artisan config:publish fbf/laravel-pages

Run the migration

php artisan migrate --package="fbf/laravel-pages"

Create the relevant image upload directories that you specify in your config, e.g.



The view that should be rendered for the pages. You can use the bundled view, or specify your own and use @include('laravel-pages::page') to get the whole page with content and banner image, or individually @include('laravel-pages::banner') and @include('laravel-pages::content')

'view' => 'laravel-pages::page',


You can use the excellent Laravel Administrator package by frozennode to administer your pages.


A ready-to-use model config file for the Page model (pages.php) is provided in the src/config/administrator directory of the package, which you can copy into the app/config/administrator directory (or whatever you set as the model_config_path in the administrator config file).


Let's say each page in your site can have a testimonial on it.

  • After installing the package you can create the testimonials table and model etc (or use the fbf/laravel-testimonials package)
  • Create the migration to add a testimonial_id field to the fbf_pages table, and run it

use Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint;
use Illuminate\Database\Migrations\Migration;

class LinkPagesToTestimonials extends Migration {

	 * Run the migrations.
	 * @return void
	public function up()
		Schema::table('fbf_pages', function(Blueprint $table)

	 * Reverse the migrations.
	 * @return void
	public function down()
		Schema::table('fbf_pages', function(Blueprint $table)

  • Create a model in you app/models directory that extends the package model and includes the relationship

class Page extends Fbf\LaravelPages\Page {

	public function testimonial()
		return $this->belongsTo('Fbf\LaravelTestimonials\Testimonial');

  • If you are using FrozenNode's Administrator package, update the pages config file to use your new model, and to allow selecting the testimonial to attach to the page:
	 * The class name of the Eloquent model that this config represents
	 * @type string
	'model' => 'Page',


		'testimonial' => array(
			'title' => 'Testimonial',
			'type' => 'relationship',
			'name_field' => 'title',
  • Finally, update the IoC Container to inject an instance of your model into the controller, instead of the package's model, e.g. in app/start/global.php
App::bind('Fbf\LaravelPages\PagesController', function() {
    return new Fbf\LaravelPages\PagesController(new Page);