NodeJS Test

We want you to build an application which handles user registration, login, profile(read only) and logout usecases. You need to build it using NodeJS ES6 and beyond, you can use the database of your choice and the frontend can be either REACT / HTML,JS.

The registration form consists

  • Username (unique)
  • Email (unique)
  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Date of Birth
  • Password
  • Skills (auto complete served from the server on the fly)
  • Country (auto complete and serve the list from the server)

The login form consists of

  • Username or Email
  • Password


Dont you use any CSS frameworks like bootstrap, skeleton. Make sure the application works on mobile and desktops.

Submitting code

Please host your code on a github repo and send us a link to view your work. Bonus points if you deploy it and send the link along with the code.