
A simple neovim plugin that enables you to instantly create snippets on ray.so

Primary LanguageLuaThe UnlicenseUnlicense

Create code snippets in Neovim using ray.so


Neovim 0.8+


return {
  cmd = { 'Rayso' },
  config = function()
    require('rayso').setup {}


These are the default options, you don't need to copy them into setup()

require('rayso').setup {
  base_url = 'https://ray.so/', -- Default URL
  open_cmd = 'firefox', -- On MacOS, will open with open -a firefox.app. Other OS's are untested.
  options = {
    background = true, -- If the screenshot should have a background.
    dark_mode = true, -- If the screenshot should be in dark mode.
    logging_path = '', -- Path to create a log file in.
    logging_file = 'rayso', -- Name of log file, will be a markdown file, ex rayso.md.
    logging_enabled = false, -- If you enable the logging file.
    padding = 32, -- The default padding that the screenshot will have.
    theme = 'crimson', -- Theme
    title = 'Untitled', -- Default title

Example Config

return {
  config = function()
    require('rayso').setup {
      open_cmd = 'chromium',
      options = {
        logging_path = '/Users/tobin/Documents/Rayso/', -- Notices the trailing slash
        logging_file = 'rayso',
        logging_enabled = true,
        theme = 'midnight',
    vim.keymap.set('v', '<leader>rs', require('lib.create').create_snippet)

Log File

The most powerful feature of this plugin is its ability to log snippets in a file, creating a time capsule of snippets This is an example of a log file. Log files will show the first 5 lines of the snippet, then cut off and show the link to the full snippet.


---@param file string
---@return boolean
local function file_exists(file)
  local f = io.open(file, 'rb')
  if f then


-- Gets the open command from the config
local function get_open_command()
  -- On a mac
  if vim.fn.has('macunix') then
    return 'open -a ' .. M.config.open_cmd .. '.app'


Rendered Output



I took some code and major inspiration from Carbon Now