- 1
- 1
Can't call objc methods with varargs
#24 opened by whatupdave - 0
weirdness calling superclass method
#25 opened by colinator - 2
- 1
wax.http.request introdution memory leaks
#17 opened by nuxlli - 0
- 0
Wax not displaying lua errors on Swift
#67 opened by lsoaresesilva - 1
no dealloc in iphone SDK 5.1
#50 opened by sivansethu - 35
How do I compile wax_stdlib about 64bit
#59 opened by linmingzhi - 8
How to using Objective-C Block
#60 opened by maxfong - 0
Wax is being maintained by Alibaba. send issue to
#61 opened by intheway - 1
- 0
selector question
#54 opened by byteguitar - 0
Missing git semantic version tag
#55 opened by hktonylee - 5
- 1
- 0
how to build a wax project on iphone sdk 3.1.2
#37 opened by jzb858 - 1
Impossible to restart wax
#38 opened by stigger - 0
- 0
Twitter example fails due changed API
#40 opened by TBD - 0
Possible small bug in wax_xml.m?
#42 opened by christosc - 4
Support for Objective-C blocks
#43 opened by faxioman - 1
error in wax_sqlite_operations.m ?
#44 opened by mrballistic - 0
Synchronous calls to wax.http.request
#47 opened by makeitnew - 0
rake framework fail
#48 opened by kaelrock - 0
- 0
- 9
- 1
sqlite extension is broken
#35 opened by IPv6 - 0
Add support for Chameleon
#36 opened by jockm - 1
is it possible to patch for calling a c fucntion?
#65 opened by askday - 1
write Masonry in lua
#63 opened by xxfenxx - 1
Use BridgeSupport
#1 opened by probablycorey - 2
- 1
Can't call overloaded objc method
#22 opened by whatupdave - 1
wax_start function parameter typo
#27 opened by LearnCocos2D - 0
- 1
wax_server does not implement the NSNetServiceDelegate/NSStreamDelegate protocol
#12 opened by LearnCocos2D - 1
building with XCode 3.2.4
#8 opened by onlyforart - 3
- 1
CAAnimation delegate crash
#6 opened by latteier - 0
- 4
- 2
Can we start writing iPad apps with wax?
#2 opened by saimonmoore