An openHAB integrated kiosk browser.
Main features:
- mDNS server discovery: finds the openHAB server on your network by using mDNS discovery
- launcher functionality: the app can be set as launcher, thus starting automatically with the tablet
- app shortcut: allows to start an app from the main menu
- device control: allows to control different device features via an openHAB item
- motion detection: reports motion to openHAB
- device sensor value reporting: reports device sensor values to openHAB
The app does support android from SDK version 19, which means it will run on devices running Android 4.4+ (Kitkat).
For further details see the app's help file.
The app uses the following libraries:
- com.github.heremaps:oksse licensed under the Apache License 2.0:
- com.squareup.okhttp3:okhttp licensed under the Apache License 2.0:
- com.burgstaller:okhttp-digest licensed under the Apache License 2.0:
- com.jakewharton:process-phoenix licensed under the Apache License 2.0:
- org.greenrobot:eventbus licensed under the Apache License 2.0:
- com.github.mukeshsolanki:MarkdownView-Android licensed under the Apache License 2.0:
- com.github.apl-devs:appintro licensed under the Apache License 2.0:
- com.github.hedzr:android-file-chooser licensed under the Apache License 2.0:
The app uses code from the following projects:
- LogActivity is based on the LogActivity from the openHAB client for Android (
The app uses following icons:
- Icons made by Webalys Freebies from is licensed by CC 3.0 BY
- Icons made by Freepik from is licensed by CC 3.0 BY
- Icons made by itim2101 from is licensed by CC 3.0 BY
- Icons made by Lucy G from is licensed by CC 3.0 BY