
Reading group schedual of multi-NLP group in Tianjin University

TJU MultiNLP Reading Group

Reading group schedule of multi-NLP group in Tianjin University


  • Monday 2PM - 4PM, No. 55 Teaching Building, Beiyang Campus.

Table of Contents

Current Schedule

Reading Group: Monday 2PM - 4PM, No. 55 Teaching Building, Beiyang Campus

Date Presenter Topic
11/04 - No meeting - ACL2020 deadline
11/11 - No meeting - ACL2020 deadline
11/18 - No meeting - ACL2020 deadline
11/25 - No meeting - ACL2020 deadline
12/02 Wanqiu Long


Please let Dexin know what paper you are going to present and your summary by the end of Sunday of your presentation week. Also, please send your slides or a link to them to Dexin once you finish preparing them.

Sorted alphabetically

Please contact Dexin if you want to be a presenter this semester!

Related Links


How is the presenters' order generated?

The presenters' order is generated from the presenters' list in a FIFO manner (but the list is initially generated randomly).

About Us

How it works?

We are a group that meets about once a week to discuss a NLP-relevant topic with one to three relevant papers. For every meeting, one person will be in charge of selecting the paper(s) for that meeting, thoroughly understanding the work, and leading the discussion (either informally or via a presentation, whatever the leader thinks is best). The rest of the members will read over the paper(s) beforehand to gain a basic idea of the work. Then, on the day of the meeting, we will discuss the strengths, weaknesses, and techniques of the paper(s).

What we read?

We will be reading papers appearing in the leading natural language processing conferences (e.g., ACL, EMNLP, NAACL, Coling) and machine learning conferences (e.g., NIPS, ICML, ICLR, UAI, AAAI, IJCAI, AISTATS). Members are free to choose which paper(s) they will present (we can also provide suggestions), thus the specific topics will vary based on the members' interests.

Who can join?

We are open to everyone who is interested, whether you are an undergrad or a grad student, regardless of department. Anyone else in Tianjin is also welcome. As long as you are interested in learning more about the fields (by reading cutting-edge research papers), you are welcome to join.


Many thanks to vt-vl-lab for that the reading-group template is forked from their repositories.