Low Latency Synchronous IO For OpenZFS Using Persistent Memory

OpenZFS is a storage system that combines volume management and filesystem services. The ZFS Intent Log (ZIL) is ZFS's mechanism for supporting synchronous IO semantics. To improve ZIL performance, ZFS allows for the configuration of a separate log device (SLOG) that it uses exclusively for ZIL allocations.

Persistent memory (PMEM) is an emerging technology that provides low-latency memory-mapped byte-addressable persistent storage. The Linux kernel's /dev/pmem pseudo block device allows existing block device consumers to benefit from PMEM's high throughput and low latency without modification.

To explore the use of PMEM as a storage medium for the ZIL, we configure a ZFS storage pool that uses /dev/pmem as a SLOG. We find that the current ZIL implementation (ZIL-LWB) exhibits significantly higher latency and sub-par throughput compared to the raw PMEM hardware in a 4k synchronous random write workload. An analysis of wall clock time distribution among the ZFS components involved in this type of IO operation reveals that block-device-oriented abstractions and data structures account for the vast majority of the overall latency.

Motivated by this observation, we propose a new type of ZIL called ZIL-PMEM that exclusively targets persistent memory to take advantage of its remarkable performance characteristics. We refactor ZFS to support different ZIL kinds at runtime, enabling coexistence of ZIL-LWB and ZIL-PMEM. ZIL-PMEM maintains the same crash consistency guarantees towards userspace as ZIL-LWB and uses the same checksum to ensure data integrity. We validate our core data structure through extensive unit testing as well as the upstream test suite and stress testing tool. Our implementation shows high speedups over ZIL-LWB, with a maximum of 8x in a single-threaded 4k synchronous random write workload on the same storage hardware.

This repository contains the text & presentations for my Master's Thesis. Our tree of OpenZFS is published here.

  • PDF builds of the thesis in ./releases
  • Intermediate Presentation (Google Slides, archive in ./presentations/intermediate)
  • Final Presentation (Google Slides, archive in ./presentations/final)
  • Sources:
    • Latex: ./thesis.tex
      • Build with make thesis.pdf (uses latexmk, Python 3.7, and rsvg-convert)
    • Plots in ./fig_src/static/evaluation: separate repo, copy-pasted over manually
    • Figures in ./fig_src/lucidchart/*.zip: exported from LucidChart Document
      • read ./fig_src/generate_fig.py
      • Note: I changed 'File -> Page Settings -> Content Scale' to 200% on some pages after the last export to get the appropriate DPI for Google Slides when copy-pasting selections with Ctrl-C + Ctrl-V.