
Improve performance.ini format

probonopd opened this issue · 3 comments

We should improve so that we can use something like

; Tone Generator 1

; Tone Generator 2

Maybe we need to investigate something like to read and write a more complete .ini format?

Looks like the infrastructure for this might land in Circle sooner or later.

I'm not really sure what the complexity offers over the existing format. Once preset performances are defined, most people would only be saving them from the UI, so won't really benefit from a more user-readable format anyway?

If we did anything (and I'm not convinced we should tbh) then moving to a binary sysex format (as described here: #533) probably makes more sense, especially if tools will be required to read/write the new files...?

And if we're writing tools, then a converter from a format like the above to the existing format probably is a lot easier than adding support directly in MiniDexed (even if added to circle)?


I'm not really sure what the complexity offers over the existing format

Would have made it easier (a bit) to read and write by hand.

But possibly not worth the effort, especially now that tools and performances already exist.