Pinned issues
- 4
Plugging in a USB hub causes crash and/or uninitialized root port [RPi Zero W]
#731 opened by SynthGal - 2
More GPIO Options and Menu screen at startup
#735 opened by scottfdesign - 0
Add GPIO and MIDI Buttons for Bank selection
#736 opened by diyelectromusic - 3
Minor issue with root menu
#734 opened by GusIsanda - 1
- 8
Cannot get device descriptor
#730 opened by bobylito - 1
With MidiDumpEnabled=1, only outputs MIDI dump to HDMI, every 31/32 input events
#728 opened by nhemsley - 5
Fast GPIO button clicks go undetected
#713 opened by miotislucifugis - 3
- 3
Confused with wiring on PiFi HIFI DAC+ 2.0
#716 opened by Potajito - 3
- 12
Help Needed: ST7789 Display Not Working with Pi Zero 2 and PCM5102A DAC Wiring Suggestions 😅.
#698 opened by EphraimElgrabli - 19
Implement banks for performances
#533 opened by probonopd - 1
Selected voice not playing correct patch
#664 opened by Ernisius - 1
- 2
- 8
- 5
- 4
Enhanced midi visual feedback and display modes
#647 opened by baconmonsta - 3
- 4
Sostenuto pedal does nothing
#624 opened by Kirtai - 7
MIDIButtonNotes ignores MIDIButtonCh
#628 opened by coax75ohm - 1
- 0
- 6
- 7
- 26
- 0
- 36
Performances Menu Not Showing Up
#595 opened by RK11111111111 - 11
- 5
Selecting banks + main volume + MIDIAutoVoiceDumpOnPC
#599 opened by soholt - 1
MiniDexed on "normal" OS
#597 opened by grbfst - 11
DX7II-style adavnced pan modes and pan envelopes
#576 opened by probonopd - 7
Rename "MIDI Gadget MIDI 1" to "MiniDexed MIDI 1"
#587 opened by probonopd - 12
Modulation Range Error
#562 opened by Banana71 - 3
Reverb time depends on the sample rate
#563 opened by Banana71 - 0
SSD1306 128 x 64 configuration
#585 opened by ajabadia - 7
MIDIAutoVoiceDumpOnPC and Performances
#541 opened by Banana71 - 2
Polyphonic aftertouch + Last note aftertouch
#572 opened by probonopd - 3
Improve performance.ini format
#558 opened by probonopd - 14
USB Gadget Support
#547 opened by diyelectromusic - 1
Automatically see the parameter and its value on the screen when we edit or control it externally via SysEx.
#549 opened by RiNoize - 6
- 3
Initialize display earlier
#535 opened by probonopd - 7
TG1 - TG8 Volume Bar graph from 0 - 14
#539 opened by Banana71 - 2
- 13
Breakpoint is displayed an octave too high
#534 opened by Banana71 - 10
LFO Delay and LFO Key Sync no function
#526 opened by Banana71 - 3
- 1
Roland A-500/800PRO not supported?
#506 opened by KarenColumbo