
The supply of something

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The Supply Of Something

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The Supply class represents a supply of something. E.g. some subscription.

When the supply is no longer needed, it can be cut off. Cutting off the supply informs the interested parties.


The supply may represent the registration of event listener:

import { Supply } from '@proc7ts/supply';

 * Registers event listener and returns a supply that unregisters it once cut off.
function registerListener(target: EventTarget, eventType: string, listener: (event: Event) => void): Supply {
  target.addEventListener(eventType, listener);
  return new Supply(() => {
    target.removeEventListener(eventType, listener);

// Add a button click listener.
const supply = registerListener(document.getElementById('button'), 'click', event =>
  console.debug('Button clicked', event),
).whenOff(reason => {
  // Additional callback to call when the listener removed.
  console.debug('No longer handling clicks', reason);

// ...now listening for clicks...

// Remove the listener.


A Supply is a class. Its constructor accepts optional callback instance. The latter will be called once the supply cut off.

cutOff(reason: SuupplyIsOff)

Cuts off the supply.

When called for the first time, all registered supply receivers informed with the given reason, and isOff property value becomes equal to it. Calling this method for the second time has no effect.

After this method call nothing would be supplied anymore.


Completes this supply successfully with the given result.

Calling this method is the same as calling this.cutOff(SupplyIsOff.successfully(result)).


Terminates this supply faultily.

Calling this method is the same as calling this.cutOff(SupplyIsOff.faultily(reason)).

off(reason?: unknown)

Cuts off this supply with arbitrary reason.

Calling this method is the same as calling this.cutOff(SupplyIsOff.becauseOf(reason)).

Accepts an optional reason why the supply is cut off. This reason converted to supply cut off {@link isOff indicator}. Everything else means the supply is aborted abnormally because of that reason. By convenience, undefined or missing reason means successful supply completion.


Indicates whether this supply is cut off already.

null initially. Set once supply cut off. Once set, nothing will be supplied anymore.

The value returned is an object that indicates why the supply has been cut off (i.e. due to failure or successful completion), and when this happened.

alsoOff(receiver: { isOff: undefined, off: (reason?: unknown) => void })

Registers a receiver of the supply.

Once this supply is cut off, the receiver will be informed on that, unless it is unavailable already.

The receiver becomes unavailable once its isOff flag set to true.

Supply receivers may be used as a passive alternative to removeEventListener approach. While the latter can be used to remove the listener in order to stop receiving events, the supply receiver may set itself unavailable, so that the supplier would be able to remove it occasionally.

whenOff(receiver: (reason?: unknown) => void)

Registers a supply receiver function that will be called as soon as this supply cut off.

Calling this method is the same as calling this.alsoOff(SupplyReceiver(receiver))


Builds a promise that will be resolved once the supply is cut off.

The returned promise will be successfully resolved once this supply completes successfully, or rejected with failure reason.

derive(derived?: SupplyReceiver)

Creates derived supply depending on this one.

If derived supply receiver specified, makes it depend on this one.

In contrast to alsoOff method, this one returns derived supply receiver.

needs(supplier: Supplier)

Makes this supply depend on another supplier.

Once the supplier cuts off the supply, this supply will be cut off with the same reason.

Calling this method has the same effect as calling supplier.alsoOff(this).

require(required?: Supplier)

Creates required supply this one depends on.

If required supplier specified, makes this one depend on it.

In contrast to needs method, this one returns required supply.

as(another: SupplyReceiver & Supplier)

Makes this and another supply depend on each other.

Calling this method is the same as calling this.needs(another).alsoOff(another).

Predefined Supply Implementations


Returns an always-supply instance that can not be cut off.

The cutOff() method of the returned supply does nothing.


Returns never-supply instance, that is already cut off without any particular reason.

supplyWhile(promise: Promise)

Creates supply that will be cut off upon give promise fulfillment.

If the given promise resolves, the supply will be completed {@link Supply.done successfully} with resolved value.

If the given promise rejects, the supply will be terminated {@link SupplyIn.fail faultily} with rejection reason.

timedSupply(timeout: number, { onTimeout: (timeout: number) => SupplyIsOff })

Creates supply, that is automatically cut off after specified timeout.

Optional onTimeout function creates a custom indicator of supply cut off after timeout. A timeout error used as a failure reason when omitted.

Unexpected Failures

Unexpected failure happens when any supply cut off due to some failure, and there is no supply receiver registered and still available to handle it.

By default, an unexpected abort reason is warned to console. This behavior can be changed by assigning another unexpected failure handler with Supply.onUnexpectedFailure() static method.