This is a fork of It has been modified to allow synchronous and asynchronous requests.
This library provides an easy way to get vendor information from a MAC address. It downloads a local copy of the IEEE's OUI prefix list. It has an asynchronous interface using Python 3's asyncio as well as a regular synchronous interface for old-school usage.
pip install procamora-mac-vendor-lookup --user
You can also update the library with:
python3 -m pip install --user --upgrade procamora-mac-vendor-lookup
from procamora_mac_vendor_lookup.mac_vendor_lookup_async import MacLookup
The list of MAC vendors is currently about 4MB large. By default a lazy-loading mechanism is used, that loads the list when it's needed. If it is clear that the list is needed and a wait time during the query is not desired, the list can also be loaded when the program is started:
from procamora_mac_vendor_lookup.mac_vendor_lookup_sync import MacLookup
mac = MacLookup()
mac.load_vendors() # <- This can take a few seconds for the first download
def find_mac(mac_address):
print(mac.lookup(mac_address)) # <- this will only take a few µs!
from procamora_mac_vendor_lookup.mac_vendor_lookup_async import MacLookup
mac = MacLookup()
mac.load_vendors() # <- This can take a few seconds for the first download
def find_mac(mac_address):
print(mac.lookup(mac_address)) # <- this will only take a few µs!
There is also an asynchronous interface available:
from procamora_mac_vendor_lookup.mac_vendor_lookup_sync import SyncMacLookup
async def main():
mac = SyncMacLookup()
from procamora_mac_vendor_lookup.mac_vendor_lookup_async import AsyncMacLookup
async def main():
mac = AsyncMacLookup()
print(await mac.lookup("98:ED:5C:FF:EE:01"))
Tesla Motors, Inc
This library provides a rudimentary command line interface:
$ mac_vendor_lookup 50-D3-7F-00-01-00
Yu Fly Mikly Way Science and Technology Co., Ltd.
$ python3 -m mac_vendor_lookup 00:26:12:12:FE
Space Exploration Technologies