
:art: Theme for Pelican, the static site generator.

Primary LanguageHTMLGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0


Plumage is a clean and tidy theme for Pelican (a static site generator).

I initially created this theme for my blog, but it is now generic enough to be used by anyone.


  • Standard Pelican views:

    Plumage article view Plumage categories view Plumage tiered tag list view
    Article Categories Tiered tag list
    Plumage archive view Plumage tag view Plumage authors view
    Collapsable yearly archives Tagged articles Authors
  • Projects template:

    Plumage projects: code showcase Plumage projects: videos showcase Plumage projects: themes showcase
    Code showcase (source) Videos showcase (source) Themes showcase (source)
  • Based on Bootstrap v4.

  • Solarized code snippets via Pygments for syntax highlighting:

    Plumage Solarized syntax highlight

  • Site-wide static search via Tipue-search.

  • Bare YouTube links in articles gets rendered as embedded videos:

    Plumage YouTube link

  • Direct link to edit articles on GitHub:

    Plumage GitHub edit link

  • Magnifying glass overlays on images and zoom:

    Plumage image magnifying glass Plumage image zoom

  • External assets (Bootstrap, Jquery, etc...) uses CDNjs .

  • Disqus integration:

    Plumage disqus comments


Plumage has built-in support for the following plugins and extensions:


This package is available on PyPi, so you can install the latest stable release and its dependencies with a simple pip call:

$ pip install plumage

Then, update your pelicanconf.py file, with the module:

import plumage

THEME = plumage.get_path()


Plumage can be customized by adding these optionnal parameters to your pelicanconf.py file:

Setting name Default value Description
ARTICLE_EDIT_LINK Generate an edit link besides each article. Can use %(slug)s to include dynamic article's slug in the link.
COPYRIGHT Additional copyright statement to add in the third column of the footer.
DISCLAIMER Overide the Disclaimer notice that gets displayed at the fourth column of the footer.
DISQUS_SITENAME Pelican can handle Disqus comments. Specify the Disqus sitename identifier here.
FAVICON_LINKS True Fetch link's icons from Google's favicons webservice.
GOOGLE_ANALYTICS Set to UA-XXXXXX-Y Property's tracking ID to activate Google Analytics.
LEFT_SIDEBAR HTML content to put as-is in the left sidebar.
LINKS_WIDGET_NAME "Links" Allows override of the name of the links widget.
LINKS A list of tuples (Title, URL) for links to appear in the second column of the footer.
MANUAL_LINKS When enabling this, you must pass the links (in LINKS & SOCIAL settins) not as tuples anymore, but as list, where every entry is formatted as you like
MENUITEMS A list of tuples (Title, URL) for additional menu items to appear at the beginning of the main menu.
RIGHT_SIDEBAR HTML content to put as-is in the right sidebar.
SITESUBTITLE A subtitle to appear in the header.
SITE_THUMBNAIL_TEXT Text displayed behind site's thumbnail.
SITE_THUMBNAIL Site's thumbnail URL as displayed in the header. Should be a square image of at least 80x80 pixels.
SOCIAL_WIDGET_NAME "Social" Allows override of the name of the “social” widget.
SOCIAL A list of tuples (Title, URL) to appear in the first columns of the footer.
TIPUE_SEARCH False Activate Tipue Search (javascript search engine) into the site. Requires the tipue_search plugin.

Most of these parameters are similar to notmyidea's (Pelican's default theme). For usage example, please have a look into my own pelicanconf.py .

The theme is also sensible to this list of standard Pelican parameters :



How can I disable the zoom on images?

All images of an article are zoomable by default. You can deactivate the magnifying glass per-image by adding a noZoom CSS class. So instead of the following Markdown code:

![Image title](/folder/image.png)

You have to use the following template to deactivate the zoom of an image:

![Image title](/folder/image.png){: .noZoom}

Why is the search not working?

Some plugins may need additional settings, for instance for tipue_search, after applying the standard options:

PLUGINS = ['tipue_search']

... you'll need to declare additional template file, by either adding this line to your pelicanconf.py:

        'search.html': 'search.html',

or using this technique.


This software is licensed under the GNU General Public License v2 or later (GPLv2+).

Copyright (C) 2012-2020 Kevin Deldycke and contributors. All Rights Reserved.

Third-party assets

The theme embed copies of some external softwares, scripts, libraries and artworks:

Tipue Search v7.1
Copyright (c) 2019 Tipue
Distributed under a MIT license
Source: https://web.archive.org/web/20200703134724/https://www.tipue.com/search/tipuesearch.zip

jQuery MGlass v1.1
Copyright (c) 2012 Younès El Biache
Distributed under a MIT license
Source: https://github.com/younes0/jQuery-MGlass

Fabric (Plaid)
Copyright (c) 2012 James Basoo
Distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported license
Source: https://subtlepatterns.com/fabric-plaid/

Cream paper
Copyright (c) 2012 Devin Holmes
Distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported license
Source: https://subtlepatterns.com/cream-paper/