
canvas doesn't load, no error thrown when invalid parameter passed to `textWrap()`

rbstrachan opened this issue · 3 comments

Most appropriate sub-area of p5.js?

  • Core/Environment/Rendering
  • Typography
  • Friendly errors

p5.js version


Web browser and version

Firefox 125.0.2

Operating system

Linux Ubuntu 22.04 LTS

Steps to reproduce this


  1. Create a new project.
  2. Pass an invalid parameter, such as a number or string, to textWrap() in setup().


function setup() {
  createCanvas(400, 400);


When I first tried to use textWrap(), I wrongly assumed it took the maximum width, in pixels, of the text before wrapping occurred, so I did something like textWrap(width * 2 / 3);. The canvas disappeared and no error was given. I believe I've seen this behavior before with other methods but I can't remember which ones.

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It seems that the textWrap() function (src/typography/attributes.js#L541) does do a simple if then check to throw an error, but doesn't use p5._validateParameters().