p5.js is a client-side JS platform that empowers artists, designers, students, and anyone to learn to code and express themselves creatively on the web. It is based on the core principles of Processing. —
- aandnotaCreighton University
- andyinaboxThe Notion Collective
- asalgawonderMakr
- BarneybookTaipei
- blackaller
- chrisrheePortland, OR
- codeanticode
- dcbriccettiDave Briccetti Software LLC
- dsoul
- edcrub
- evandrixUndisclosed
- finscnWM
- garlinDetroit, MI, USA
- garyohosu
- golanlevinFlong
- GonzOneStheory
- gqlewisCharlotte, NC
- grasp
- k2kirovForkPoint
- kaloyanPlovdiv, Bulgaria
- kjhollenDenver, CO
- kozo2Tokyo, Japan
- kundancoolIndia
- kuyucakliİstanbul
- luck7@north-wood FoxTeam
- Neustradamus
- oolongEdinburgh
- SableRafBerlin
- stevenmilne@CodeTheCity
- supaketBangkok, Thailand
- susta
- todo
- ToshiyukiJapan
- WildGenieTurkey
- ylh888
- zer0her0New York State of Mind