
YAML configuration for Erlang applications

Primary LanguageErlangApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


YAML configuration for Erlang applications.

The library provides a way to replace standard Erlang configuration with equivalent YAML configuration. Besides more "admin friendly" syntax, the library performs options validation, applies defaults, and, if errors are found in the configuration file, produces graceful user-friendly error messages.

Also note, since JSON is a subset of YAML, you can use the library for processing JSON configuration files as well.

Table of contents


It's probably better to describe the functionality of the library on an example. For instance, the following Erlang configuration:

 {mnesia, [{dir, "/tmp/mnesia"},
           {auto_repair, true}]},

 {os_mon, [{disk_almost_full_threshold, 0.7},
           {system_memory_high_watermark, 0.9},
           {memsup_helper_timeout, 30},
           {disk_space_check_interval, 30}]},

 {crypto, [{rand_cache_size, 1024}]}

can be written in YAML configuration as:

  dir: /tmp/mnesia
  auto_repair: true

  disk_almost_full_threshold: 70%
  system_memory_high_watermark: 90%
  memsup_helper_timeout: 30 sec
  disk_space_check_interval: 30 min

  rand_cache_size: 1024

And instead of running Erlang VM as:

$ erl ... -config my_app.config

You run it as:

$ erl ... -conf file \"my_app.yml\"

Alternatively, if you use release generators, you can put the following into sys.config:

 {conf, [{file, "/path/to/my_app.yml"}]}

NOTE: the library can expand shell variables, so you can put something like "$HOME/config.yml" in the above example.

You should also load conf application at startup. Please note that conf application must be loaded right after kernel and stdlib, e.g. define applications parameter of my_app.app.src file as:

{application, my_app,
    [kernel, stdlib, conf, ...]},

NOTE: Since the library only loads environment variables, their values are accessible as usual via application:get_env/2,3 functions.

Configuration reload

Once the configuration file is loaded, you can use conf:reload_file/0 to reload it:

-spec reload_file() -> ok | {error, error_reason()}.

The function loads configuration from the file defined in environment variable file. On success it also applies config_change/3 callback for the applications which export it. The function is atomic in the sense that it only loads configuration if it's valid. However, configuration change of loaded applications may fail because config_change/3 callback may fail for some applications.

The function returns ok if the configuration can be read and is valid, no matter whether configuration change of loaded aplications has failed or not (however, warnings are reported in this case). If the configuration cannot be read or is invalid, {error, Reason} is returned. You can use function conf:format_error/1 to print the Reason in a human readable format:

-spec format_error(error_reason()) -> string().


conf application relies heavily on yval application, so refer to its documentation for detailed information on how to write YAML validators.

The library also depends on fast_yaml parser.

conf behaviour

In order to define YAML configuration for your application my_app, you should create file my_app_yaml.erl inside your source directory (typically src). If you don't like the convention with _yaml suffix, you can set the module's name explicitly in the environment variable callback_yaml:

 {conf, [{callback_yaml, [{my_app, my_config_validator}]}]}

The conf behaviour requires validator/0 callback to be provided, so your module my_app must define validator/0 callback, that must return yval:options/2 validator. The parameters for yval:options/2 validator must at least contain unique option (which means that the validator will check for duplicated options).

The library provides predefined YAML validators for built-in Erlang applications such as kernel, os_mon, crypto and so on. You can use them as an example, for instance, you can take a look at mnesia_yaml.erl or kernel_yaml.erl.


Let's say your application my_app has 3 options:

  • choice that accepts three atoms: foo, bar and baz with default being foo
  • timeout that accepts timeout expressed in milliseconds or infinity, with default being 5 seconds
  • name that accepts non empty binary with no default, because it's a mandatory option

The contents of my_app_yaml.erl will look as follows:


-import(yval, [options/2, enum/1, binary/0, non_empty/1, timeout/2]).

-spec validator() -> yval:validator().
validator() ->
      #{choice => enum([foo, bar, baz]),
        timeout => timeout(millisecond, infinity),
        name => non_empty(binary())},
       {required, [name]},
        #{choice => foo,
          timeout => timer:seconds(5)}}]).

Then, if the configuration file my_app.yml is defined as:

  timeout: 10 sec
  name: Saturn

when loaded, my_app will have the following environment variables:

1> application:get_all_env(my_app).
[{timeout, 10000},
 {choice, foo},
 {name, <<"Saturn">>}]

Handling errors

At application startup, if errors are detected in the configuration file, conf application refuses to load. This is in conformance with "fail early" principle: Erlang applications should not be running with misconfigured environment variables.

Reporting errors

The underlying YAML validator is pretty clever and is also able to provide various hints on what it expects to get. Consider a few examples.

Let's say we made a mistake in my_app.yml and instead of foo we set foe as a value of choice option:

  choice: foe

When being loaded, the validator will produce the following error message:

Failed to load configuration from /path/to/my_app.yml: Invalid value of parameter 'my_app->choice': Unexpected value: foe. Did you mean 'foo'? Possible values are: bar, baz, foo

If we made a mistake in an option name, e.g. we wrote time out instead of timeout, the validator would produce the following error message:

Failed to load configuration from /path/to/my_app.yml: Invalid value of parameter 'my_app': Unknown parameter: time out. Did you mean 'timeout'? Available parameters are: choice, name, timeout

If we forgot to define mandatory option name, the following error will be produced:

Failed to load configuration from /path/to/my_app.yml: Invalid value of parameter 'my_app': Missing required parameter: name