
Show flexible busy indicator on any element while a promise is pending

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

#angular-busy-tracker Build Status Show flexible busy indicator on any element while a promise is pending. Inspired by angular-busy and angular-promise-tracker.


  • Flexible templates, easily accommodate overlay and in-line busy indicators.
  • All visual content comes from templates, no hardcoded DOM manipulations.
  • Generic and consistent interface simplifies extensions.
  • Tracked promise is simply passed to directive, no need for string ids.
  • Tracks a promise or an array of promises, works fine with self-cleaning arrays of promises.


Download the code from target folder or install it using bower:

$ bower install angular-busy-tracker

Load the library in your markup:

<script type="text/javascript" src="angular.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="angular-busy-tracker.js"></script>

Add the bundled templates css:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="overlay.css">

The bundled templates use glyphicon-refresh glyph from Glyphicon Halflings set that comes with Bootstrap so add it:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="bootstrap.css">

Load the mnBusy module in your AngularJS application:

angular.module('yourApp', ['mnBusy']);


###Overlay spinner Place the content inside the busy tracker directive.

<div busy-tracker="loadingPromises"
    ...your content goes here...

Live Demo at codepen.io

###Spinner inside a button Place the busy tracker directive as attribute on the button. Template could access any parameter provided as attribute busy-param-<name> over the $params object. So to provided the button text that is shown next to the spinner in the default button template simply set it to busy-param-message attribute.

<button ng-click="save()"

Live Demo at codepen.io

###Change the delay and min duration Options are provided by redefining the busyDefault value object.

    delay: 300,
    minDuration: 400

Every configuration has a value object with name busyDefault<Name> that could override default options.

    delay: 100

###Custom template - spinner next to a button Template url is also an option in value object. So we can easily replace the template for existing configuration. Define the new template.

<script type="text/ng-template" id="outside.html">
   <div ng-transclude class="inline"></div>
   <div  ng-if="$tracker.isBusy()" class="inline">
     <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-refresh glyphicon-spin"></span>

Redefine the configuration value object.

    templateUrl: 'outside.html'

And use it as usual.

<button ng-click="save()"

Live demo at codepen.io

###New template - overlay spinner with spin.js Template url is also an option in value object. So we can provide custom template and reference it from a new value object. The spinjs example below uses angular-spinner to enclose spin.js so add them.

<script src="spin.js" type="text/javascript"></script> 
<script src="angular-spinner.js" type="text/javascript"></script> 

For best performance preload the template in angular $templateCache. Configurations from the value objects are available on $config object

<script type="text/ng-template" id="spinjs.html">
 <div class="busy-overlay-container">
   <div ng-if="$tracker.isBusy()">
     <span class="busy-overlay-sign" us-spinner="$config.options"></span>
     <div class="busy-overlay-backdrop"></div>
   <div ng-transclude></div>

Define a new value object and set the templateUrl. Provide any custom configurations.

    templateUrl: 'spinjs.html',
     options: {lines: 9, radius: 11, width:5, length: 9}

And simply request the new configuration in busy-config attribute.

<button ng-click="save()"

Live Demo at codepen.io

###Disable the button Tracker state is available on $tracker object. So the button could be disabled while the promise is pending by binding its ng-disabled attribute to tracker.isBusy()

<button type="button" class="btn btn-default" ng-click="save()" 

Live Demo at codepen.io

###Ready expression If a busy-ready attribute is defined, its value will be evaluated as angular expression once the tracked promise is resolved. This expression will be evaluated in directive scope so use $parent to access the parent scope when setting primitive values.

<button type="button" class="btn btn-default" ng-click="save()" 

Live Demo at codepen.io

###Track self-cleaning arrays of promises Sometimes it is necessary to track several promices. We can store them in array and provide it to the tracker.

<button ng-click="save()"

The array could be self-cleaning.

$scope.promiseArray = [];
var trackPromises = function(promiseArray,newPromise){
$scope.save = function(){

##Change log 1.1.0 - 8/02/2015

  • Bundled templates are preloded in template cache
  • One css for all bundled templates
  • Config names could be lowercase

1.0.0 - 5/02/2015

  • initial release

##License MIT