
d3 plugin for automatic labeling

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A d3.js plugin for automatic labeling. It tries to resolve the automatic label placement problem with an heuristic aproach.


You only have to include the script after calling d3 library.

<script src="http://d3js.org/d3.v3.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="labeling.js"></script>


Each overlapped label rotates around its position until no more overlaps. If one label reach the last position there are many options:

  • pass(): do nothing. If you consider it can be no overlaps in the next round you can just let it recalculate.
  • scale( factor ): the label scales factor times and run again the algorithm. scale can be called multiple times with different parameters. Defaults to .75.
  • legend(): transforms the label into a number and builds an internally legend which can be returned with the getLegend() function.
  • remove(): the label is removed.
  • custom(fn): fn is your own function. Receives the current label as a parameter. The this object is the labeling object.

The basic functioning is shown here:


select can be a d3's valid string selector or a function which returns a d3 selection:

  .select(function() { 
     return d3.selectAll('.place-label')
       .sort(function(a,b) { 
           return d3.geo.area(b.geometry) - d3.geo.area(a.geometry); 


For example we have:

  .select('.place-label')  // className of the labels
  .legend()				    // builds a legend
  .scale(.8)			    // if no fit, scales down 0.8 times the label (or number)
  .scale(.5)			    // idem but scales 0.5 times    
  .remove()				    // else removes
  .align();      			// start

You can view this example live in a block.

Two passes:


Remark the affecteds labels:

  	label.attr('stroke', 'red');


  • add support for rigth to left languages
  • the actual radius for rotating the label is derived from the bounding box, this radius might be configurable.
  • improve the calculus of remaining overlappeds.