
Switch Homebrew app for checking Titles against a NSP Indexer instance

Primary LanguageC++

NSP Indexer Connect

Switch Homebrew app for checking Titles against a NSP Indexer instance

How To Setup

Make sure you have access to an NSP Indexer istance https://github.com/proconsule/nspindexer

From source

Setup a devkitpro build environment

install deps libs (switch-libjpeg-turbo switch-sdl2 switch-curl switch-glad)

make it

edit config.template.ini and rename in config.ini

copy resulting nro and config.ini to a folder in /switch directory of your Switch


From release download

edit config.template.ini and rename in config.ini

copy nro and config.ini to a folder in /switch directory of your Switch


How to use

To exit press + button

Button A to select entry

Button Y to show Sort Options Popup

Button B to go back from Popups

Just this!


Question: It will crash my switch?

Answer: Maybe, but is unlikely that can damage your system as for now only retrive info

Question: Is is stable, is state of the art coded?

Answer: This is in active development phase, and no is far from state of the art. It just works

Question: This will change my life?

Answer: I don't think so, but maybe it can be usefull

Thanks to

  • jangrewe (NSP Indexer coauthor) for following me in this idea
  • joel16 for NX-Shell (Next). I take ImGui windows system from there
  • XorTroll for Goldleaf. I take a small part of code (for retriving installed switch titles)
  • All guys of Switchbrew (for TONS of info and tools they published)
  • duckbill007 for his hints on UTF8 and Switch console limitation
  • AlanLC at GBAtemp (for the app icon)
  • Ejec on GBAtemp (for his beta testing)
  • lordelan for his support on GBATemp forum
  • All guys at GBATemp who liked my projects