Python Simulation of Antigen Spread and Response


This project simulates the spread and response of antigens within a given landscape. It includes the following main components:,,, and The simulation models antigens on a grid, visualizes their spread, and tracks changes over time.

Files Description

  • Purpose: Acts as the entry point for the simulation.
  • Functionality: Initializes a landscape, randomly generates antigens, and runs the simulation for a set period, outputting the state of the landscape and antigens at various points.

  • Purpose: Defines the Antigen class.
  • Functionality: Handles the properties of an antigen such as spread, memory, and response. Includes methods for getting and setting these properties, and calculates baseline response based on certain parameters.

  • Purpose: Defines the Landscape class.
  • Functionality: Manages the simulation landscape. Maintains a grid of antigens, updates their states, handles the addition of new antigens, and visualizes the landscape using a 3D plot. Includes methods for time progression, antigen interaction, and landscape analysis.

  • Purpose: Provides a simple Storage class.
  • Functionality: Used for storing snapshots of the landscape at different time points. Holds data and time attributes.

Running the Simulation

To run the simulation, simply execute the script. This will initialize the landscape and antigens and run the simulation for a predetermined number of cycles. Outputs include printed states of the landscape and a graphical representation.


  • NumPy: Used for numerical operations.
  • Matplotlib: Required for plotting the landscape in 3D.

Ensure these dependencies are installed before running the simulation.