
Fedora 10, RPM package management, enhance "whatrequires" option ,coding, C

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Fedora 10, RPM package management, enhance "whatrequires" option ,coding, C

Solution for non-accurate dependency information by query with --whatrequires option

rpm (version 4.8.1) cannot provide fully accurate dependency information when query with --whatrequires option. July, 2010.

Symptom of the problem:

[abc@localhost rpm-4.8.1]$ /bin/rpm -q --whatrequires wireless-tools

      no package requires wireless-tools

[abc@localhost rpm-4.8.1]$ /bin/rpm -e wireless-tools

      error: Failed dependencies:

     libiw.so.29 is needed by (installed) rhpl-0.218-1.i386

The query action cannot see any packages that require wireless-tools, while when try to remove this "wireless-tools" package, rpm can find correctly that "rhpl" requires it.

The expected behavior for rpm is that the above two methods should have the same results.

Try to update the source file of lib/query.c as follows: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ...

 Header h;  //NB. declare in the beginning of the function



     qva->qva_mi = rpmtsInitIterator(ts, RPMDBI_LABEL, arg, 0);
     Header h;
         while ((h = rpmdbNextIterator(qva->qva_mi)) != NULL) {
                 (void) rpmtsAddEraseElement(ts, h, -1);

     if (rpmtsCheck(ts)) {
     ps = rpmtsProblems(ts);

     qva->qva_mi = rpmtsInitIterator(ts, RPMTAG_REQUIRENAME, arg, 0);

     if (qva->qva_mi == NULL&&rpmpsNumProblems(ps)<=0) {
         rpmlog(RPMLOG_NOTICE, _("no package requires %s\n"), arg);
         res = 1;
     } else
         res = rpmcliShowMatches(qva, ts);

         rpmpsPrint(NULL, ps);


The updated codes try to use the method in "Erase" to check the dependency of the package.

The new results look more reasonable as follows(while there might be other ways to implement this better...):

[abc@localhost rpm-4.8.1]$ /usr/local/bin/rpm --dbpath /usr/local/var/lib/rpm/ -q --whatrequires wireless-tools

     libiw.so.29 is needed by (installed) rhpl-0.218-1.i386

[abc@localhost rpm-4.8.1]$ /usr/local/bin/rpm --dbpath /usr/local/var/lib/rpm/ -e wireless-tools

     error: Failed dependencies:

     libiw.so.29 is needed by (installed) rhpl-0.218-1.i386