Hello :) not an issue but a code suggestion (sorry for not using a pull request, I edited locally...)
Closed this issue · 3 comments
Hello! I love the bloom shader, it's the best bloom shader out of the entire reshade options, but it's too heavy at 4K, so I rewrote some parts of it to support a 1/64th of native resolution mode.
Initially, the shader has BLOOM_QUALITY_0_TO_2
I changed it to BLOOM_QUALITY_0_TO_3 and hopefully did the corresponding changes to the rest of the code, please take a look at it, hopefully I didn't do something wrong of forgot something, but I don't think I did.
Thank you! (sorry I couldn't upload the file, GitHub doesn't want .fx files so everything is below, raw, sorry for the horrible formatting, I can't change it, I tried)
Description : PD80 01 HQ Bloom for Reshade https://reshade.me/
Author : prod80 (Bas Veth)
License : MIT, Copyright (c) 2020 prod80
Additional credits (exposure)
- Padraic Hennessy for the logic
- Padraic Hennessy for the logic
- MJP and David Neubelt for the method
License: MIT, Copyright (c) 2016 MJP
MIT License
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
copies or substantial portions of the Software.
#include "ReShade.fxh"
#include "ReShadeUI.fxh"
#include "PD80_00_Noise_Samplers.fxh"
#include "PD80_00_Color_Spaces.fxh"
#include "PD80_00_Base_Effects.fxh"
namespace pd80_hqbloom
//// PREPROCESSOR DEFINITIONS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Funky stuff
// Min: 0, Max: 3 | Bloom Quality, 0 is best quality (full screen) and values higher than that will progessively use lower resolution texture. Value 3 will use 1/4th screen resolution texture size
// 0 = Fullscreen - Ultra
// 1 = 1/4th size - High
// 2 = 1/16th size - Medium
// 3 = 1/64th size - Low
// Default = High quality (1) as difference is nearly impossible to tell during gameplay, and performance 60% faster than Ultra (0)
// Using medium quality can show some artifacts because of the low resolution of texture upscaled to fullscreen when using CA, however it's very fast
#ifndef BLOOM_QUALITY_0_TO_3
#define BLOOM_QUALITY_0_TO_3 3
#define BLOOM_LIMITER 0.0001
// Dodgy code that should avoid some compilation errors that seem to happen sometimes for no particular reason
#if( BLOOM_QUALITY_0_TO_3 > 2 )
#define BLOOM_MIPLVL 3
#elif( BLOOM_QUALITY_0_TO_3 < 0 )
#define BLOOM_MIPLVL 0
//// UI ELEMENTS ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
uniform bool debugBloom <
ui_label = "Show only bloom on screen";
ui_category = "Bloom debug";
> = false;
uniform float dither_strength <
ui_label = "Bloom Dither Stength";
ui_tooltip = "Bloom Dither Stength";
ui_category = "Bloom";
ui_type = "slider";
ui_min = 0.0;
ui_max = 10.0;
> = 2.0;
uniform float BloomMix <
ui_label = "Bloom Mix";
ui_tooltip = "Bloom Mix";
ui_category = "Bloom";
ui_type = "slider";
ui_min = 0.0;
ui_max = 1.0;
> = 0.5;
uniform float BloomLimit <
ui_label = "Bloom Threshold";
ui_tooltip = "Bloom Threshold";
ui_category = "Bloom";
ui_type = "slider";
ui_min = 0.0;
ui_max = 1.0;
> = 0.333;
uniform float GreyValue <
ui_label = "Bloom Exposure 50% Greyvalue";
ui_tooltip = "Bloom Exposure 50% Greyvalue";
ui_category = "Bloom";
ui_type = "slider";
ui_min = 0.0;
ui_max = 1.0;
> = 0.333;
uniform float bExposure <
ui_label = "Bloom Exposure";
ui_tooltip = "Bloom Exposure";
ui_category = "Bloom";
ui_type = "slider";
ui_min = -1.0;
ui_max = 5.0;
> = 0.0;
uniform float fBloomStrength <
ui_label = "Bloom Width (Focus Center) Bias";
ui_tooltip = "Bloom Width (Focus Center) Bias";
ui_category = "Bloom";
ui_type = "slider";
ui_min = 0.0;
ui_max = 1.0;
> = 0.25;
uniform float BlurSigmaNarrow <
ui_label = "Bloom Width (Focus Center)";
ui_tooltip = "Bloom Width (Focus Center)";
ui_category = "Bloom";
ui_type = "slider";
ui_min = 10.0;
ui_max = 40.0;
> = 15.0;
uniform float BlurSigma <
ui_label = "Bloom Width";
ui_tooltip = "Bloom Width";
ui_category = "Bloom";
ui_type = "slider";
ui_min = 10.0;
ui_max = 300.0;
> = 30.0;
uniform float BloomSaturation <
ui_label = "Bloom Add Saturation";
ui_tooltip = "Bloom Add Saturation";
ui_category = "Bloom";
ui_type = "slider";
ui_min = 0.0;
ui_max = 2.0;
> = 0.0;
#if( BLOOM_ENABLE_CA == 0 )
uniform bool enableBKelvin <
ui_label = "Enable Bloom Color Temp (K)";
ui_tooltip = "Enable Bloom Color Temp (K)";
ui_category = "Bloom Color Temperature";
> = false;
uniform uint BKelvin <
ui_type = "slider";
ui_label = "Bloom Color Temp (K)";
ui_tooltip = "Bloom Color Temp (K)";
ui_category = "Bloom Color Temperature";
ui_min = 1000;
ui_max = 40000;
> = 6500;
#if( BLOOM_ENABLE_CA == 1 )
uniform int CA_type < __UNIFORM_COMBO_INT1
ui_label = "Chromatic Aberration Type";
ui_tooltip = "Chromatic Aberration Type";
ui_category = "Chromatic Aberration";
ui_items = "Center Weighted Radial\0Center Weighted Longitudinal\0Full screen Radial\0Full screen Longitudinal\0";
> = 0;
uniform bool use_only_ca <
ui_label = "Use only CA";
ui_tooltip = "Use only CA";
ui_category = "Chromatic Aberration";
> = false;
uniform int degrees <
ui_type = "slider";
ui_label = "CA Rotation Offset";
ui_tooltip = "CA Rotation Offset";
ui_category = "Chromatic Aberration";
ui_min = 0;
ui_max = 360;
ui_step = 1;
> = 135;
uniform float CA <
ui_type = "slider";
ui_label = "CA Global Width";
ui_tooltip = "CA Global Width";
ui_category = "Chromatic Aberration";
ui_min = -150.0f;
ui_max = 150.0f;
> = 60.0;
uniform float CA_strength <
ui_type = "slider";
ui_label = "CA Effect Strength";
ui_tooltip = "CA Effect Strength";
ui_category = "Chromatic Aberration";
ui_min = 0.0f;
ui_max = 5.0f;
> = 0.5;
//// TEXTURES ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
texture texPrepLOD { Width = BUFFER_WIDTH; Height = BUFFER_HEIGHT; MipLevels = 5; };
texture texBLuma { Width = 256; Height = 256; Format = R16F; MipLevels = 9; };
texture texBAvgLuma { Format = R16F; };
texture texBPrevAvgLuma { Format = R16F; };
#if( BLOOM_ENABLE_CA == 1 )
texture texCABloom { Width = BUFFER_WIDTH; Height = BUFFER_HEIGHT; Format = RGBA16F; };
#if( BLOOM_QUALITY_0_TO_3 == 0 )
texture texBloomIn { Width = BUFFER_WIDTH; Height = BUFFER_HEIGHT; Format = RGBA16F; };
texture texBloomH { Width = BUFFER_WIDTH; Height = BUFFER_HEIGHT; Format = RGBA16F; };
texture texBloom { Width = BUFFER_WIDTH; Height = BUFFER_HEIGHT; Format = RGBA16F; };
texture texBloomAll { Width = BUFFER_WIDTH; Height = BUFFER_HEIGHT; Format = RGBA16F; };
texture texBloomHF { Width = BUFFER_WIDTH; Height = BUFFER_HEIGHT; Format = RGBA16F; };
texture texBloomF { Width = BUFFER_WIDTH; Height = BUFFER_HEIGHT; Format = RGBA16F; };
#elif( BLOOM_QUALITY_0_TO_3 == 1 )
#define SWIDTH ( BUFFER_WIDTH / 2 )
texture texBloomIn { Width = SWIDTH; Height = SHEIGHT; Format = RGBA16F; };
texture texBloomH { Width = SWIDTH; Height = SHEIGHT; Format = RGBA16F; };
texture texBloom { Width = SWIDTH; Height = SHEIGHT; Format = RGBA16F; };
texture texBloomAll { Width = SWIDTH; Height = SHEIGHT; Format = RGBA16F; };
texture texBloomF { Width = SWIDTH; Height = SHEIGHT; Format = RGBA16F; };
texture texBloomHF { Width = SWIDTH; Height = SHEIGHT; Format = RGBA16F; };
#elif( BLOOM_QUALITY_0_TO_3 == 2 )
#define SWIDTH ( BUFFER_WIDTH / 4 )
texture texBloomIn { Width = SWIDTH; Height = SHEIGHT; Format = RGBA16F; };
texture texBloomH { Width = SWIDTH; Height = SHEIGHT; Format = RGBA16F; };
texture texBloom { Width = SWIDTH; Height = SHEIGHT; Format = RGBA16F; };
texture texBloomAll { Width = SWIDTH; Height = SHEIGHT; Format = RGBA16F; };
texture texBloomF { Width = SWIDTH; Height = SHEIGHT; Format = RGBA16F; };
texture texBloomHF { Width = SWIDTH; Height = SHEIGHT; Format = RGBA16F; };
#define SWIDTH ( BUFFER_WIDTH / 8 )
texture texBloomIn { Width = SWIDTH; Height = SHEIGHT; Format = RGBA16F; };
texture texBloomH { Width = SWIDTH; Height = SHEIGHT; Format = RGBA16F; };
texture texBloom { Width = SWIDTH; Height = SHEIGHT; Format = RGBA16F; };
texture texBloomAll { Width = SWIDTH; Height = SHEIGHT; Format = RGBA16F; };
texture texBloomF { Width = SWIDTH; Height = SHEIGHT; Format = RGBA16F; };
texture texBloomHF { Width = SWIDTH; Height = SHEIGHT; Format = RGBA16F; };
//// SAMPLERS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
sampler samplerLODColor { Texture = texPrepLOD; };
sampler samplerLinColor { Texture = ReShade::BackBufferTex; SRGBTexture = true; };
sampler samplerBLuma { Texture = texBLuma; };
sampler samplerBAvgLuma { Texture = texBAvgLuma; };
sampler samplerBPrevAvgLuma { Texture = texBPrevAvgLuma; };
sampler samplerBloomIn
Texture = texBloomIn;
AddressU = BORDER;
AddressV = BORDER;
AddressW = BORDER;
sampler samplerBloomH
Texture = texBloomH;
AddressU = BORDER;
AddressV = BORDER;
AddressW = BORDER;
sampler samplerBloomHF
Texture = texBloomHF;
AddressU = BORDER;
AddressV = BORDER;
AddressW = BORDER;
sampler samplerBloomF { Texture = texBloomF; };
#if( BLOOM_ENABLE_CA == 1 )
sampler samplerCABloom { Texture = texCABloom; };
sampler samplerBloom { Texture = texBloom; };
sampler samplerBloomAll { Texture = texBloomAll; };
//// DEFINES ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
uniform float frametime < source = "frametime"; >;
#define LumCoeff float3(0.212656, 0.715158, 0.072186)
#define PI 3.141592f
#define LOOPCOUNT 500.0f
#define aspect float( BUFFER_WIDTH * BUFFER_RCP_HEIGHT )
//// FUNCTIONS //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
float getLuminance( in float3 x )
return dot( x, LumCoeff );
float Log2Exposure( in float avgLuminance, in float GreyValue )
float exposure = 0.0f;
avgLuminance = max(avgLuminance, 0.000001f);
// GreyValue should be 0.148 based on https://placeholderart.wordpress.com/2014/11/21/implementing-a-physically-based-camera-manual-exposure/
// But more success using higher values >= 0.5
float linExp = GreyValue / avgLuminance;
exposure = log2( linExp );
return exposure;
float3 CalcExposedColor( in float3 color, in float avgLuminance, in float offset, in float GreyValue )
float exposure = Log2Exposure( avgLuminance, GreyValue );
exposure += offset; //offset = exposure
return exp2( exposure ) * color;
float3 screen( in float3 c, in float3 b )
return 1.0f - ( 1.0f - c ) * ( 1.0f - b );
//// COMPUTE SHADERS ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Not supported in ReShade (?)
//// PIXEL SHADERS //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
float PS_WriteBLuma(float4 pos : SV_Position, float2 texcoord : TEXCOORD) : SV_Target
float4 color = tex2D( samplerLinColor, texcoord );
float luma = getLuminance( color.xyz );
luma = max( luma, BloomLimit ); // Bloom threshold
return log2( luma );
float PS_AvgBLuma(float4 pos : SV_Position, float2 texcoord : TEXCOORD) : SV_Target
float luma = tex2Dlod( samplerBLuma, float4(0.5f, 0.5f, 0, 8 )).x;
luma = exp2( luma );
float prevluma = tex2D( samplerBPrevAvgLuma, float2( 0.5f, 0.5f )).x;
float fps = max( 1000.0f / frametime, 0.001f );
fps *= 0.5f; //approx. 1 second delay to change luma between bright and dark
float avgLuma = lerp( prevluma, luma, saturate( 1.0f / fps ));
return avgLuma;
float4 PS_PrepLOD(float4 pos : SV_Position, float2 texcoord : TEXCOORD) : SV_Target
return tex2D( ReShade::BackBuffer, texcoord );
float4 PS_BloomIn(float4 pos : SV_Position, float2 texcoord : TEXCOORD) : SV_Target
float4 color = tex2Dlod( samplerLODColor, float4( texcoord.xy, 0, BLOOM_MIPLVL ));
float luma = tex2D( samplerBAvgLuma, float2( 0.5f, 0.5f )).x;
luma = clamp( luma, 0.000001f, 0.999999f );
color.xyz = saturate( color.xyz - luma ) / saturate( 1.0f - luma );
color.xyz = CalcExposedColor( color.xyz, luma, bExposure, GreyValue );
return float4( color.xyz, 1.0f );
float4 PS_GaussianH(float4 pos : SV_Position, float2 texcoord : TEXCOORD) : SV_Target
float4 color = tex2D( samplerBloomIn, texcoord );
float px = rcp( SWIDTH );
float SigmaSum = 0.0f;
float pxlOffset = 1.5f;
float2 buffSigma = 0.0f;
#if( BLOOM_QUALITY_0_TO_3 == 0 )
float bSigma = BlurSigma;
#elif( BLOOM_QUALITY_0_TO_3 == 1 )
float bSigma = BlurSigma * 0.5f;
#elif( BLOOM_QUALITY_0_TO_3 == 2 )
float bSigma = BlurSigma * 0.25f;
float bSigma = BlurSigma * 0.125f;
//Gaussian Math
float3 Sigma;
Sigma.x = 1.0f / ( sqrt( 2.0f * PI ) * bSigma );
Sigma.y = exp( -0.5f / ( bSigma * bSigma ));
Sigma.z = Sigma.y * Sigma.y;
//Center Weight
color.xyz *= Sigma.x;
//Adding to total sum of distributed weights
SigmaSum += Sigma.x;
//Setup next weight
Sigma.xy *= Sigma.yz;
for( int i = 0; i < BLOOM_LOOPCOUNT && Sigma.x > BLOOM_LIMITER; ++i )
buffSigma.x = Sigma.x * Sigma.y;
buffSigma.y = Sigma.x + buffSigma.x;
color += tex2Dlod( samplerBloomIn, float4( texcoord.xy + float2( pxlOffset * px, 0.0f ), 0, 0 )) * buffSigma.y;
color += tex2Dlod( samplerBloomIn, float4( texcoord.xy - float2( pxlOffset * px, 0.0f ), 0, 0 )) * buffSigma.y;
SigmaSum += ( 2.0f * Sigma.x + 2.0f * buffSigma.x );
pxlOffset += 2.0f;
Sigma.xy *= Sigma.yz;
Sigma.xy *= Sigma.yz;
color /= SigmaSum;
return color;
void PS_GaussianH(float4 pos : SV_Position, float2 texcoord : TEXCOORD, out float4 bloom1 : SV_Target0, out float4 bloom2 : SV_Target1)
// This part of shader writes both wide and narrow gaussian horizontal during the same pass to avoid sampling same texture twice
// Bloom quality setting
#if( BLOOM_QUALITY_0_TO_3 == 0 )
float Mult = 1.0f;
#elif( BLOOM_QUALITY_0_TO_3 == 1 )
float Mult = 0.5f;
#elif( BLOOM_QUALITY_0_TO_3 == 2 )
float Mult = 0.25f;
float Mult = 0.125f;
// Required variables
float px = rcp( SWIDTH );
float pxlOffset = 1.5f;
// Color
bloom1 = tex2D( samplerBloomIn, texcoord );
bloom2 = bloom1;
// Wide bloom
float b1_Sum = 0.0f;
float2 b1_tSigma = 0.0f;
float b1_Width = BlurSigma * Mult;
float3 b1_Sigma;
b1_Sigma.x = 1.0f / ( sqrt( 2.0f * PI ) * b1_Width );
b1_Sigma.y = exp( -0.5f / ( b1_Width * b1_Width ));
b1_Sigma.z = b1_Sigma.y * b1_Sigma.y;
bloom1 *= b1_Sigma.x;
b1_Sum += b1_Sigma.x;
b1_Sigma.xy *= b1_Sigma.yz;
// Narrow bloom
float b2_Sum = 0.0f;
float2 b2_tSigma = 0.0f;
float b2_Width = BlurSigmaNarrow * Mult;
float3 b2_Sigma;
b2_Sigma.x = 1.0f / ( sqrt( 2.0f * PI ) * b2_Width );
b2_Sigma.y = exp( -0.5f / ( b2_Width * b2_Width ));
b2_Sigma.z = b2_Sigma.y * b2_Sigma.y;
bloom2 *= b2_Sigma.x;
b2_Sum += b2_Sigma.x;
b2_Sigma.xy *= b2_Sigma.yz;
// Temp variables
float4 temp1;
float4 temp2;
for( int i = 0; i < BLOOM_LOOPCOUNT && b1_Sigma.x > BLOOM_LIMITER; ++i )
// Setup weights (wide)
b1_tSigma.x = b1_Sigma.x * b1_Sigma.y;
b1_tSigma.y = b1_Sigma.x + b1_tSigma.x;
// Setup weights (narrow)
b2_tSigma.x = b2_Sigma.x * b2_Sigma.y;
b2_tSigma.y = b2_Sigma.x + b2_tSigma.x;
// Fetch
temp1 = tex2Dlod( samplerBloomIn, float4( texcoord.xy + float2( pxlOffset * px, 0.0f ), 0, 0 ));
temp2 = tex2Dlod( samplerBloomIn, float4( texcoord.xy - float2( pxlOffset * px, 0.0f ), 0, 0 ));
// Merge
bloom1 += temp1 * b1_tSigma.y;
bloom1 += temp2 * b1_tSigma.y;
bloom2 += temp1 * b2_tSigma.y;
bloom2 += temp2 * b2_tSigma.y;
// Sum
b1_Sum += 2.0f * b1_tSigma.y;
b2_Sum += 2.0f * b2_tSigma.y;
// Next offset
pxlOffset += 2.0f;
// Next weights
b1_Sigma.xy *= b1_Sigma.yz;
b1_Sigma.xy *= b1_Sigma.yz;
b2_Sigma.xy *= b2_Sigma.yz;
b2_Sigma.xy *= b2_Sigma.yz;
bloom1 /= b1_Sum;
bloom2 /= b2_Sum;
float4 PS_GaussianV(float4 pos : SV_Position, float2 texcoord : TEXCOORD) : SV_Target
float4 color = tex2D( samplerBloomH, texcoord );
float py = rcp( SHEIGHT );
float SigmaSum = 0.0f;
float pxlOffset = 1.5f;
float2 buffSigma = 0.0f;
#if( BLOOM_QUALITY_0_TO_3 == 0 )
float bSigma = BlurSigma;
#elif( BLOOM_QUALITY_0_TO_3 == 1 )
float bSigma = BlurSigma * 0.5f;
#elif( BLOOM_QUALITY_0_TO_3 == 2 )
float bSigma = BlurSigma * 0.25f;
float bSigma = BlurSigma * 0.125f;
//Gaussian Math
float3 Sigma;
Sigma.x = 1.0f / ( sqrt( 2.0f * PI ) * bSigma );
Sigma.y = exp( -0.5f / ( bSigma * bSigma ));
Sigma.z = Sigma.y * Sigma.y;
//Center Weight
color.xyz *= Sigma.x;
//Adding to total sum of distributed weights
SigmaSum += Sigma.x;
//Setup next weight
Sigma.xy *= Sigma.yz;
for( int i = 0; i < BLOOM_LOOPCOUNT && Sigma.x > BLOOM_LIMITER; ++i )
buffSigma.x = Sigma.x * Sigma.y;
buffSigma.y = Sigma.x + buffSigma.x;
color += tex2Dlod( samplerBloomH, float4( texcoord.xy + float2( 0.0f, pxlOffset * py ), 0, 0 )) * buffSigma.y;
color += tex2Dlod( samplerBloomH, float4( texcoord.xy - float2( 0.0f, pxlOffset * py ), 0, 0 )) * buffSigma.y;
SigmaSum += ( 2.0f * Sigma.x + 2.0f * buffSigma.x );
pxlOffset += 2.0f;
Sigma.xy *= Sigma.yz;
Sigma.xy *= Sigma.yz;
color /= SigmaSum;
return color;
float4 PS_GaussianVF(float4 pos : SV_Position, float2 texcoord : TEXCOORD) : SV_Target
float4 color = tex2D( samplerBloomHF, texcoord );
float py = rcp( SHEIGHT );
float SigmaSum = 0.0f;
float pxlOffset = 1.5f;
float2 buffSigma = 0.0f;
#if( BLOOM_QUALITY_0_TO_3 == 0 )
float bSigma = BlurSigmaNarrow;
#elif( BLOOM_QUALITY_0_TO_3 == 1 )
float bSigma = BlurSigmaNarrow * 0.5f;
#elif( BLOOM_QUALITY_0_TO_3 == 2 )
float bSigma = BlurSigmaNarrow * 0.25f;
float bSigma = BlurSigmaNarrow * 0.125f;
//Gaussian Math
float3 Sigma;
Sigma.x = 1.0f / ( sqrt( 2.0f * PI ) * bSigma );
Sigma.y = exp( -0.5f / ( bSigma * bSigma ));
Sigma.z = Sigma.y * Sigma.y;
//Center Weight
color.xyz *= Sigma.x;
//Adding to total sum of distributed weights
SigmaSum += Sigma.x;
//Setup next weight
Sigma.xy *= Sigma.yz;
for( int i = 0; i < BLOOM_LOOPCOUNT && Sigma.x > BLOOM_LIMITER; ++i )
buffSigma.x = Sigma.x * Sigma.y;
buffSigma.y = Sigma.x + buffSigma.x;
color += tex2Dlod( samplerBloomHF, float4( texcoord.xy + float2( 0.0f, pxlOffset * py ), 0, 0 )) * buffSigma.y;
color += tex2Dlod( samplerBloomHF, float4( texcoord.xy - float2( 0.0f, pxlOffset * py ), 0, 0 )) * buffSigma.y;
SigmaSum += ( 2.0f * Sigma.x + 2.0f * buffSigma.x );
pxlOffset += 2.0f;
Sigma.xy *= Sigma.yz;
Sigma.xy *= Sigma.yz;
color /= SigmaSum;
return color;
float4 PS_Combine(float4 pos : SV_Position, float2 texcoord : TEXCOORD) : SV_Target
float4 widebloom = tex2D( samplerBloom, texcoord );
float4 narrbloom = tex2D( samplerBloomF, texcoord );
return saturate( widebloom * ( 1.0 - fBloomStrength ) + narrbloom * fBloomStrength );
return widebloom;
float4 PS_CA(float4 pos : SV_Position, float2 texcoord : TEXCOORD) : SV_Target
float4 color = 0.0f;
float3 orig = tex2D( samplerBloomAll, texcoord ).xyz;
float px = BUFFER_RCP_WIDTH;
float2 coords = texcoord.xy * 2.0f - 1.0f;
float2 uv = coords.xy;
coords.xy /= float2( 1.0f / aspect, 1.0f );
float2 caintensity= length( coords.xy ); // * 2.0f for higher weight in center
caintensity.y = caintensity.x * caintensity.x + 1.0f;
caintensity.x = 1.0f - ( 1.0f / ( caintensity.y * caintensity.y ));
int degreesY = degrees;
float c = 0.0f;
float s = 0.0f;
switch( CA_type )
// Radial: Y + 90 w/ multiplying with uv.xy
case 0:
degreesY = degrees + 90 > 360 ? degreesY = degrees + 90 - 360 : degrees + 90;
c = cos( radians( degrees )) * uv.x;
s = sin( radians( degreesY )) * uv.y;
// Longitudinal: X = Y w/o multiplying with uv.xy
case 1:
c = cos( radians( degrees ));
s = sin( radians( degreesY ));
// Full screen Radial
case 2:
degreesY = degrees + 90 > 360 ? degreesY = degrees + 90 - 360 : degrees + 90;
caintensity.x = 1.0f;
c = cos( radians( degrees )) * uv.x;
s = sin( radians( degreesY )) * uv.y;
// Full screen Longitudinal
case 3:
caintensity.x = 1.0f;
c = cos( radians( degrees ));
s = sin( radians( degreesY ));
float3 huecolor = 0.0f;
float3 temp = 0.0f;
float o1 = 7.0f;
float o2 = 0.0f;
float3 d = 0.0f;
// Scale CA (hackjob!)
float caWidth = CA * ( max( BUFFER_WIDTH, BUFFER_HEIGHT ) / 1920.0f ); // Scaled for 1920, raising resolution in X or Y should raise scale
float offsetX = px * c * caintensity.x;
float offsetY = py * s * caintensity.x;
for( float i = 0; i < 8; ++i )
huecolor.xyz = HUEToRGB( i / 8.0f );
o2 = lerp( -caWidth, caWidth, i / o1 );
temp.xyz = tex2D( samplerBloomAll, texcoord.xy + float2( o2 * offsetX, o2 * offsetY )).xyz;
color.xyz += temp.xyz * huecolor.xyz;
d.xyz += huecolor.xyz;
color.xyz /= dot( d.xyz, 0.333333f ); // seems so-so OK
color.xyz = lerp( orig.xyz, color.xyz, CA_strength );
color.xyz = lerp( color.xyz, color.xyz - orig.xyz, use_only_ca );
return float4( color.xyz, 1.0f );
float4 PS_Gaussian(float4 pos : SV_Position, float2 texcoord : TEXCOORD) : SV_Target
float4 bloom = tex2D( samplerBloomAll, texcoord );
float4 bloom = tex2D( samplerCABloom, texcoord );
float4 color = tex2D( ReShade::BackBuffer, texcoord );
// Dither
float4 dnoise = dither( samplerRGBNoise, texcoord.xy, 0, 1, dither_strength, 1, 2.0f - ( 1.0f - BloomLimit ) );
float3 steps = smoothstep( 0.0f, 0.012f, bloom.xyz );
bloom.xyz = saturate( bloom.xyz + dnoise.xyz * steps.xyz );
#if( BLOOM_ENABLE_CA == 0 )
if( enableBKelvin )
float3 K = KelvinToRGB( BKelvin );
float3 bLum = RGBToHSL( bloom.xyz );
float3 retHSV = RGBToHSL( bloom.xyz * K.xyz );
bloom.xyz = HSLToRGB( float3( retHSV.xy, bLum.z ));
// Vibrance
bloom.xyz = vib( bloom.xyz, BloomSaturation );
float3 bcolor = screen( color.xyz, bloom.xyz );
color.xyz = lerp( color.xyz, bcolor.xyz, BloomMix );
color.xyz = debugBloom ? bloom.xyz : color.xyz; // render only bloom to screen
return float4( color.xyz, 1.0f );
float PS_PrevAvgBLuma(float4 pos : SV_Position, float2 texcoord : TEXCOORD) : SV_Target
float avgLuma = tex2D( samplerBAvgLuma, float2( 0.5f, 0.5f )).x;
return avgLuma;
//// TECHNIQUES /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
technique prod80_02_Bloom
< ui_tooltip = "Bloom\n\n"
"Bloom is an effect that causes diffraction of light around bright reflective or emittive sources\n\n"
"Preprocessor Settings\n\n"
"BLOOM_ENABLE_CA: Enables a chromatic aberration effect on bloom\n\n"
"BLOOM_QUALITY_0_TO_3: Sets the quality, 0 is full (and heavy!), 2 is low and very fast,\n"
"1 is high quality and best trade off between quality and performance\n\n"
"BLOOM_LOOPCOUNT: Limit to the amount of loops of the Width effect. Wider blooms may need higher\n"
"values (eg. max width is 300, this value should be 300)\n\n"
"BLOOM_LIMITER: Limiter to the bloom. Wider blooms may need lower values or the bloom starts to look\n"
"rectangular (eg. 0.0001 (default) is good to about width 100, after that start to decrease this value)\n\n"
"BLOOM_USE_FOCUS_BLOOM: Enables another pass to add a narrow bloom on top of the wide bloom";>
pass BLuma
VertexShader = PostProcessVS;
PixelShader = PS_WriteBLuma;
RenderTarget = texBLuma;
pass AvgBLuma
VertexShader = PostProcessVS;
PixelShader = PS_AvgBLuma;
RenderTarget = texBAvgLuma;
pass PrepLod
VertexShader = PostProcessVS;
PixelShader = PS_PrepLOD;
RenderTarget = texPrepLOD;
pass BloomIn
VertexShader = PostProcessVS;
PixelShader = PS_BloomIn;
RenderTarget = texBloomIn;
pass GaussianH
VertexShader = PostProcessVS;
PixelShader = PS_GaussianH;
RenderTarget0 = texBloomH;
RenderTarget1 = texBloomHF;
pass GaussianH
VertexShader = PostProcessVS;
PixelShader = PS_GaussianH;
RenderTarget = texBloomH;
pass GaussianV
VertexShader = PostProcessVS;
PixelShader = PS_GaussianV;
RenderTarget = texBloom;
pass GaussianVF
VertexShader = PostProcessVS;
PixelShader = PS_GaussianVF;
RenderTarget = texBloomF;
pass Combine
VertexShader = PostProcessVS;
PixelShader = PS_Combine;
RenderTarget = texBloomAll;
#if( BLOOM_ENABLE_CA == 0 )
pass GaussianBlur
VertexShader = PostProcessVS;
PixelShader = PS_Gaussian;
#if( BLOOM_ENABLE_CA == 1 )
pass AddCA
VertexShader = PostProcessVS;
PixelShader = PS_CA;
RenderTarget = texCABloom;
pass GaussianBlur
VertexShader = PostProcessVS;
PixelShader = PS_Gaussian;
pass PreviousBLuma
VertexShader = PostProcessVS;
PixelShader = PS_PrevAvgBLuma;
RenderTarget = texBPrevAvgLuma;
Hey Deus, nice.
I don't have a 4K monitor so I can't really try/test this for anything, but at first glance the code seems to be fine. If it works for you then great :)
Have a good one
Yo, thanks for answering! I don't have a 4K display as well, I use Nvidia's Dynamic Super Resolution from 1440p to 4K or 5K :)
I used the modified shader for this challenge: https://youtu.be/F4Rg9bRtOd4 (the video may still be processing but it is a 4K one).
Thanks to the 1/64 res mode I could hold 360 FPS 99% of the time, with 1/16 res mode I usually drop between 300 and 360 (which believe it or not is significantly less smooth with how the game's physics work and my monitor refresh rate)
Also do you think that the BLOOM_QUALITY_0_TO_X value could be handled as a variable exposed in the ReShade's UI? It's not for me I know the trick but newcomers would have a better time if it was exposed I feel :)
Also do you think that the BLOOM_QUALITY_0_TO_X value could be handled as a variable exposed in the ReShade's UI? It's not for me I know the trick but newcomers would have a better time if it was exposed I feel :)
Can only be handled as a preprocessor definition because the shader has to reload due to change of texture sizes... you could technically make it work as a slider, but then there would be no performance gain changing the quality, which kind of defeats the purpose
Also, watched your video, nice stuff :)