

  • JDK (Min 1.8)
  • Apache Maven
  • Mysql Database


The following Environment Variable are required for starting up the application

  • DATASOURCE_URL (Database connection url)
  • DATASOURCE_USERNAME (Database username)
  • DATASOURCE_PASSWORD (Database password)
  • SEDAN_RATE (Sedan pricing policy hourly rate e.g 150)
  • ELECTRIC_20_RATE (Electric 20kw hourly rate e.g 200)
  • ELECTRIC_20_FIXED (Electric 20kw Fixed amount e.g 250)
  • ELECTRIC_50_RATE (Electric 50kw hourly rate e.g 300)
  • ELECTRIC_50_FIXED (Electric 50kw fixed rate.g 500)

Booting App

To run the application after setting the environment variables use

mvn spring-boot:run


This service is accompanied with swagger documentation for easy interaction and testing.


Important models in the application and what they represent

  • Slot: This is a space in the parking lot that a car/vehicle can be parked
  • VehicleEntry: This is an individual car entry and exit which is billable.
  • SlotType: This represent a type of a slot in the parking which represent what type of car can be parked in there.


Implement Authentication using Oauth2