
Fuzzapi's easy to use Python API

Primary LanguagePython


Fuzzapi's easy to use Python API. This API is written using Flask. All output is given in JSONs


  • Searching for scans - Use of SQL Wildcards (%) may be necessary
  • Start scan
  • Get results
  • User log in


This API requires Fuzzapi to be present on the system (so we can read it's database), and the service to be live if you want to run scans. This API also requires python

Testing Environment

The code was written in a Windows 10 machine using Intellij (the best IDE!) and tested on Kali Linux x64 v2017.1 (Debian 64bit). The code was written using Python2.7.13


To install this package, simple run pip install -r requirements.txt

Places to do Quick Edits

This tool does not have a config tool (might add one in if it really helps, but not sure yet). The driver.py file holds all the configurations that need to be changed to work with your machine.

app.config["DBPATH"] is the path to the Fuzzapi database. This path should be something like /path/to/fuzzapi/db/development.sqlite3

app.config["FUZZAPI_IP"] is the server's IP Address

app.config["FUZZAPI_PORT"] is the port Fuzzapi is currently running on.

If you want FuzzApiApi to run on another port (despite 80), then please change the port number to whichever you wish (provided it is not already in use), in the line of code below:

app.run("", port="80")


For the usage, we assume the IP address of the server is w.x.y.z and the port is 80 After installing the required dependencies, please run the following command: python driver.py

API Documentation

Method Path Parameters Description
GET /scan/all None Gets all the scans in the Fuzzapi database
GET /scan/search id, url, sid, parameters, method, cookies, created_at, updated_at, json, user_id, status Searches for relevant records in the scan table. (Wildcards enabled!)
POST /scan/start user, pass, headers, url, params Starts the Fuzzapi vulnerability scan process
GET /scan/results id Gets all the vulnerabilities for a specified scan id

Get All Scans

Request Example

GET /scan/all HTTP/1.1
Host: w.x.y.z

Response Example

[[1, "https://rest.nexmo.com", "9706a8bd209f86201627a306a89eb046", "", "[\"GET\"]", "", "2017-07-26 02:50:18.344585", "2017-07-26 02:50:45.136466", null, 1, "completed"]]

Each field in the above array is listed below (basically to help you identify what the data means):

["id", "url", "sid", "parameters", "method", "cookies", "created_at", "updated_at", "json", "user_id", "status"]

Search All Scans

Request Example

GET /scan/search?id=1 HTTP/1.1
Host: w.x.y.z

Response Example

[[1, "https://rest.nexmo.com", "9706a8bd209f86201627a306a89eb046", "", "[\"GET\"]", "", "2017-07-26 02:50:18.344585", "2017-07-26 02:50:45.136466", null, 1, "completed"]]

Each field in the above array is listed below (basically to help you identify what the data means):

["id", "url", "sid", "parameters", "method", "cookies", "created_at", "updated_at", "json", "user_id", "status"]

These fields can also be used for searching within the database.

Start Scan

Request Example

POST /scan/start HTTP/1.1
Host: w.x.y.z


Response Example

Started the scan! The scan ID is: <number>

Get Scan Vulnerabilities

Request Example

GET /scan/results?id=1 HTTP/1.1
Host: w.x.y.z

Response Example

[[1, "Vulnerability", "1", "", "Information Disclosure of Server version", "Server: PWS/", "2017-07-26 02:50:45.044551", "2017-07-26 02:50:45.044551", "INFORMATIVE"]]

Each field in the above array is listed below (basically to help you identify what the data means):

["id", "class_type", "scan_id", "parameter", "description", "value", "created_at", "updated_at", "status"]


Scans (database table and Ruby object) are the actual scan containing the timestamp, target, etc. Vulnerabilities (database table and Ruby object) actually hold the bugs found within the target.