
An implementation of rate limited queues in Python, thread-safe, using only built-in components

Primary LanguagePython

Rate Limit Queue

An implementation of rate limited queues in Python, thread-safe, using only built-in components.

Note: The rate limit only applies on retrieval from the queue, not placing inside the queue.

Unit Tests

Unit tests are performed using pytest. Install pytest using pip.

Coding Guidelines

This project is being maintained using the PEP8 standard. We are using flake8 to ensure the standard is upheld.


Since this package isn't on pip just yet, the easiest way to install it is by doing the following:

git clone https://github.com/prodigysml/rate-limit-queue.git # for SSH users: git@github.com:prodigysml/rate-limit-queue.git

cd rate-limit-queue/

pip install . # if you do not have pip3 aliased to pip, you may need to run pip3 instead of pip


Instantiation of the Queue

Instantiating a RateLimitQueue object requires at least 1 parameter. Below is a list of all the compatible parameters:

Parameter Name Type Usage Required?
num_calls int The number of calls to make, per time period (e.g. 10 / 30s) Yes
secs int The number of seconds in the time period (e.g. 90s) No
mins int The number of minutes in the time period (e.g. 90 minutes) No
hours int The number of hours in the time period (e.g. 48 hours) No

The time period is adjustable and incremental. It was made with flexibility in mind, allowing a user to specify 1.5 mins as 90 secs, 1.5 mins, and 1 mins 30 secs.

Getting and Putting into the Queue


Upon instantiating the queue, simply use either put() or put_list() to place items in the queue. The queue is not type strict, so any type of object or data structure can be placed within this queue.

from rate_limit_queue import RateLimitQueue

queue_of_my_fav_sites = RateLimitQueue(10, secs=10)


list_of_my_fav_sites = ["https://bugcrowd.com", "https://example.com", "https://portswigger.net"]



After putting into the queue, retrieval is quite simple. Use the get method to retrieve the object in the same way you stored it.

from rate_limit_queue import RateLimitQueue

queue_of_my_fav_sites = RateLimitQueue(10, secs=10)

queue_of_my_fav_sites.put("https://github.com") # setting up the queue

print(queue_of_my_fav_sites.get()) # getting the item

Note: Should your queue run out of items, make sure you keep your eyes peeled for the EmptyRateLimitQueue exception

from rate_limit_queue import RateLimitQueue

queue_of_my_fav_sites = RateLimitQueue(10, secs=10)



queue_of_my_fav_sites.get() # raises EmptyRateLimitQueue