
A tool for generating PDF documents from declarative HTML templates

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT


A tool for generating PDF documents from HTML template that use declarative elements to control the layout and content of the PDF.

TODO: insert a visual representation of the template conversion to PDF

Feature Description
headers and footers Use <page-header> and <page-footer> elements to define the header and footer for each <document-page>.
page backgrounds Use <page-background> element to specify a custom background for each <document-page>.
page size and orientation Use <document-page> element to specify page size and orientation.
multi-page content Use <document-page> element to spans across as many pages as needed. You can have multiple <document-page> elements in a single template with different sizes and orientations.
page numbering Use <current-page-number> and <total-pages-number> elements to display page numbers within headers or footers.
physical page variants Use <physical-page> element to specify different sections (headers, footers, backgrounds) placement. Variants are: first, last, even, odd.

Layout is controlled using a set of custom HTML tags that define the structure of the PDF document. The package uses puppeteer to slice your template and generate PDF elements from it. Those elements are then used to assemble PDF pages into your PDF document.


Unlike other HTML-to-PDF solutions that require manual coding of PDF layout and content, our tool uses declarative HTML elements to control the layout and content of the PDF. This makes it easier and faster to generate PDF documents from HTML templates, as you can simply define the structure of the PDF using custom HTML tags. Additionally, our tool provides features such as headers and footers, page backgrounds, and page numbering, which are not always available in other HTML-to-PDF solutions.

Table of contents


Install it locally in your project folder:

# using npm
npm install --save declarative-pdf
# or using yarn
yarn add declarative-pdf


This package supports both CommonJS and ES modules. So you can either require it or import it.


We need a valid template for this to work, so let's use the one supplied in examples folder. For example:

import {readFileSync, writeFileSync} from 'fs';
import puppeteer from 'puppeteer';
import PDF from 'declarative-pdf';

(async function () {
  const html = await readFileSync('./examples/basic-template.html', {encoding: 'utf8'});
  const browser = await puppeteer.launch();

  const pdfBuffer = await new PDF(browser).generate(html);
  await writeFile('./example-output.pdf', pdfBuffer);

This would generate a PDF file example-output.pdf in your project folder. But it can be just as easily plugged into your express server:

const express = require('express');
const PDF = require('declarative-pdf');
const puppeteer = require('puppeteer');

(async function() {
  const app = express();
  const browser = await puppeteer.launch();

    extended: true,
    limit: '2000kb' // default limit is 100kb and templates can grow

  async function generate(req, res) {
    const template = req.body.template;
    const name = req.body.name;
    const filename = `${name}.pdf`;

    const pdfBuffer = await new PDF(browser).generate(template);

    res.setHeader('Content-disposition', `inline; name="${name}"; filename="${filename}"`);
    res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/pdf');

  app.post('/generate', generate);

  const server = http.createServer(app);

So if you send POST request to this endpoint, with template as a string, containing your whole template file and name as a string, this would respond with generated PDF file.


Spinning up puppeteer browser can be an expensive operation, so in some server scenarios it might be beneficial to keep browser instance running. With keepAlive option set to true, we are keeping the browser instance running and only disposing individual browser tabs.

API reference

"declarative-pdf" exports a class. To instantiate this class a Browser instance is needed as mandatory first parameter, and optional options second parameter. This instance is then used to generate PDF documents from HTML templates via the generate method, which accepts only one mandatory parameter, the HTML template string.

const PDF = require('declarative-pdf');

 * Create a new PDF generator instance.
 * @param {puppeteer.Browser} browser - A puppeteer browser instance.
 * @param {object} options - Optional options for the PDF generation.
 * @returns {PDF} - A new PDF generator instance.
const pdf = new PDF(browser, options);

The options object is used to change the PDF page size defaults, for cases when template does not specify it:

type Options =
  | {
      ppi: number; // a number of pixels per inch, ranging from 18 to 42_000, default is 72
      format: 'a0' | 'a1' | 'a2' | 'a3' | 'a4' | 'a5' | 'a6' | 'letter' | 'legal' | 'tabloid' | 'ledger'; // default is 'a4'
  | {
      ppi: number; // a number of pixels per inch, ranging from 18 to 42_000, default is 72
      width: number; // a width of the page in pixels, ranging from 1 to 420_000, default is 595
      height: number; // a height of the page in pixels, ranging from 1 to 420_000, default is 842
  • ppi: a number only used to calculate the width and the height from the values defined by the format, ranging from 18 to 42_000
  • format: is one of the common paper formats... for custom formats, use width and height instead
  • width: is a number of pixels, ranging from 1 to 420_000
  • height: is a number of pixels, ranging from 1 to 420_000

In case of invalid options, a default value will be used.

 * Generates a PDF document from the given HTML template string.
 * @param {string} html - The HTML template to use for the PDF document.
 * @returns {Promise<Buffer>} - A promise that resolves with the PDF document as a Buffer.
const pdfBuffer = await pdf.generate(html)

The generate method returns a promise that resolves with the generated PDF document as a Buffer.

Template syntax

Template example:

      /* Add any CSS styles here */
        /* Add any page-background content here */
        /* Add any page-header content here */
        /* Add any page-body content here */
        /* Add any page-footer content here */

In this template, the <page-header>, <page-body>, and <page-footer> elements are used to define the structure of the PDF, with the <page-header> and <page-footer> elements being used as the header and footer, respectively, for each page. The <page-body> element spans multiple pages if necessary. The <page-background> element can be used to specify a custom background for each page. The <document-page> element acts as a container for the other elements.

Detailed explanation can be found here: template.md.

Template examples

Included template examples can be found in the examples folder. They are meant to be used as a starting point for your own projects. Detailed explanation can be found here: examples.md.