
PHP Client library for Bol.com Retailer API

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

Bol.com Retailer API client for PHP

This is an open source PHP client for the Bol.com Retailer API version 10.0 (BETA).


This project can easily be installed through Composer:

composer require picqer/bol-retailer-php-client "^10"


Create an instance of the client and authenticate using the Client Credentials flow

$client = new \Picqer\BolRetailerV10\Client();
$client->authenticateByClientCredentials('your-client-id', 'your-client-secret');

Then you can get the first page of open orders by calling the getOrders() method on the client

$reducedOrders = $client->getOrders();

foreach ($reducedOrders as $reducedOrder) {
    echo 'hello, I am order ' . $reducedOrder->orderId . PHP_EOL;

To save requests to Bol.com, you may reuse the access token:

$accessToken = ... // your implementation of getting the access token from the storage

$client = new \Picqer\BolRetailerV10\Client();

$client->setAccessTokenExpiredCallback(function(\Picqer\BolRetailerV10\Client $client) {
  // Called at the beginning of a request to the Retailer API when the access token was expired (or
  // non-existent) and after a request that resulted in an error about an expired access token.
  // Authenticate and fetch the new access token
  $client->authenticateByClientCredentials('{your-client-id}', '{your-client-secret}');
  $accessToken = $client->getAccessToken();
  ... // store $accessToken for future use

Code flow Authentication

When authenticating using the Code flow, after receiving and validating the shortcode on your callback uri, you need to retrieve the first access and refresh token:

$client = new \Picqer\BolRetailerV10\Client();

$refreshToken = $client->authenticateByAuthorizationCode(
$accessToken = $client->getAccessToken();
... // store $accessToken and $refreshToken for future use

$orders = $client->getOrders();

The access token needs to be (re)used to make requests to the Retailer API.

$client = new \Picqer\BolRetailerV10\Client();

$accessToken = ... // your implementation of getting the access token from the storage

$orders = $client->getOrders();

The access token code is valid for a limited amount of time (600 seconds at time of writing), so it needs to be refreshed regularly using the refresh token:

$client = new \Picqer\BolRetailerV10\Client();

$accessToken = ... // your implementation of getting the access token from the storage
$client->setAccessTokenExpiredCallback(function(\Picqer\BolRetailerV10\Client $client) {
  // Called at the beginning of a request to the Retailer API when the access token was expired or
  // non-existent and after a request that resulted in an error about an expired access token.
  // This callback can attempt to refresh the access token. If after this callback the Client has
  // a valid access token, the request will continue or retried once. Otherwise, it will be
  // aborted with an Exception.
  $refreshToken = ... // your implementation of getting the refresh token from the storage
  $client->authenticateByRefreshToken('{your-client-id}', '{your-client-secret}', $refreshToken);
  $accessToken = $client->getAccessToken();
  ... // store $accessToken for future use

$orders = $client->getOrders();

The example above assumed your Bol.com integration account uses a refresh token that does not change after use (named 'Method 1' by Bol.com).

If your refresh token changes after each use ('Method 2'), then you need to store the new refresh token after refreshing. In this case a refresh token can only be used once. When multiple processes are refreshing simultaneously, there is a risk that due to race conditions a used refresh token is stored last. This means that from then on it's impossible to refresh and the user needs to manually log in again. To prevent this, you need to work with locks, in such a way that it guarantees that only the latest refresh token is stored and used. The example below uses a blocking mutex.

$client = new \Picqer\BolRetailerV10\Client();

$accessToken = ... // your implementation of getting the access token from the storage

$client->setAccessTokenExpiredCallback(function(\Picqer\BolRetailerV10\Client $client) use ($mutex) {
  // Called at the beginning of a request to the Retailer API when the access token was expired or
  // non-existent and after a request that resulted in an error about an expired access token.
  // Ensure only 1 process can be in the critical section, others are blocked and one is let in
  // when that process leaves the critical section
  $mutex->withLock(function () use ($client) {
    // your implementation of getting the latest access token from the storage (it might be
    // refreshed by another process)
    $accessToken = ... 
    if (! $accessToken->isExpired()) {
      // No need to refresh the token, as it was already refreshed by another proces. Make sure the
      // client uses it.
    $refreshToken = ... // your implementation of getting the refresh token from the storage
    $newRefreshToken = $client->authenticateByRefreshToken(
    $accessToken = $client->getAccessToken();
    ... // store $accessToken and $newRefreshToken for future use

$orders = $client->getOrders();


Methods on the Client may throw Exceptions. All Exceptions have the parent class Picqer\BolRetailerV10\Exception\Exception:

  • ConnectException is thrown when a problem occurred in the connection (e.g. API server is down or a network issue). You may retry later.
  • ServerException (extends ConnectException) is thrown when a problem occurred on the Server (e.g. 500 Internal Server Error). You may retry later.
  • ResponseException is thrown when the received response could not be handled (e.g. not of proper format or unexpected type). Retrying will not help, investigation is needed.
  • UnauthorizedException is thrown when the server responded with 400 Unauthorized (e.g. invalid credentials).
  • RateLimitException is thrown when the throttling limit has been reached for the API user.
  • Exception is thrown when an error occurred in the HTTP library that is not covered by the cases above. We aim to map as much as possible to either ConnectionException or ResponseException.

Migrate to v10

If you're migrating to v10, please have a look at the official migration guides to find out what has changed:

Gradual rollout

It's easy to overlook changes when migrating to a new version, which could result in undesired behaviour. You may consider a gradual rollout to minimize impact on your business. You can achieve this by using two versions of the API client in your project and a way to test the new version with a small percentage of requests. To use different versions of this client through Composer, fork this project and use a specific version branch of that new temporary repository as dependency.

For example, if you forked it to my-namespace/bol-retailer-php-client, you can add v10 next to your current version with:

composer require my-namespace/bol-retailer-php-client "v10.x-dev"

You might need to add that temporary repository as vcs repository in Composer for this package to be visible to Composer. When the new version is running stable, remove the old version from your project and delete the fork.

Version support expectations

As we're require this client in production at Picqer and this will be the case for the foreseeable future, we will make sure that there is always support a version that is either in the GA or Deprecation lifecycle stage (and not removed). We have thousands of connected partners using many API services and ideally we want to rollout new API versions slowly, so it might happen that we update this library to the latest GA version in the final weeks before removal of the current supported version.


Please follow the guidelines below if you want to contribute.

  • Add the latest API specs of the version you want to contribute to and generate the models and client (see: 'Generated Models and Client').
  • Sometimes generation fails due to an error or outputs unexpected code. Fix this in the generator class, do not alter generated classes manually.
  • If a generator required a change due to a quirk in the Bol.com API specs, please add that case to the 'Known quirks' section of this README. It would be great if you check whether the current known quirks are still relevant.
  • If you contribute with a new major version, any references to 'v10' have to be replaced with the new version:
    • Rename the namespaces in /src, /tests and composer.json.
    • Replace 'v10' with the new version in the test fixtures and in BaseClient.
    • Update this README with links to the new migration guide(s) and replace 'v10' with the new version.
  • Keep in mind that we want to support PHP 7.1 as long as possible.

Generated Models and Client

The Client and all models are generated by the supplied Retailer API specifications (src/OpenApi/retailer.json) and Shared API specification (src/OpenApi/shared.json). These specifications are merged. Generating the code ensures there are no typos, not every operation needs a test and future (minor) updates to the specifications can easily be applied. To build the classes for the latest Bol Retailer API version, replace the two specification files with the latest version first.

The generated classes contain all data required to properly map method arguments and response data to the models: the specifications are only used to generate them.


The Client contains all operations specified in the specifications. The 'operationId' value is converted to camelCase and used as method name for each operation.

The specifications define types for each request and response (if it needs to send data). If a model for such a type encapsulates just one field, that model is abstracted from the operation have a smoother development experience:

  • A method in the Client accepts that field as argument instead of the model
  • A method in the Client returns the field from that model instead of the model itself

To generate the Client, the following composer script may be used:

# Generates Picqer\BolRetailerV10\Client
composer run-script generate-client


The class names for models are equal to the keys of the array 'definitions' in the specifications.

To generate the Models, the following composer script may be used:

# Generates all Picqer\BolRetailerV10\Model\* models
composer run-script generate-models

Known quirks

  • Some type definitions in de specifications are sentences, for example 'Container for the order items that have to be cancelled.'. These are converted to CamelCase and dots are removed.
  • Some operations (get-offer-export and get-unpublished-offer-report) in the specifications have no response schema (type) specified, while there is a response. Currently, this is only the case for operations that return CSV.
  • There a type 'Return' defined in the specifications. As this is a reserved keyword in PHP, it can't be used as class name for the model (in PHP <= 7), so for now it's replaced with 'ReturnObject'.
  • If an array field in a response is empty, the field is (sometimes?) omitted from the response. E.g. the raw JSON response for getOrders is
    { }
    where you might expect
      "orders": [ ]
  • Operation 'get-invoices' is specified to have a string as response, while there is clearly some data model returned in JSON or XML.
  • The description of the operation 'get-invoices' contains a weird space marked as 'ENSP'.
  • If your application is an intermediary, you want to make sure that migrating from the client credentials authentication to the code flow authentication for a certain connection happens for the same Bol.com webshop. There is no endpoint to identify the webshop, but the JWT access tokens do contain the Seller (id). So the suggested method is to compare the Sellers from the old and new access tokens. Keep in mind that the (decoded) content of these access tokens for both authentication methods have different formats. Also, this method should be replaced when Bol.com adds an endpoint to identify the Seller, as the contents of the JWT tokens are undocumented and may change at any point in time. They could even be replaced by non-JWT tokens by Bol.com.