Sample Python data source connector

Sample connector in python to import the data into Productsup.

Create, configure, build, deploy connector in the Developer portal

Create connector

  • Login into the Dev portal
  • Add new connector with the following attributes:
    • Type: data source (Import the data into Productsup platform)
    • Execution mode: environemnt variable (Connector will receive configuration options via environment variables)

Configure connector

  • Version control
    • Configure version control based on your VCS provider
  • Application
    • Command: python
    • Arguments
    • Health check: --health-check
  • Individual configurations
    • Command option: SHOULD_FAIL; Field type: checkbox
    • Command option: NAME; Field type: input

Build, deploy connector

  • In the release configuration trigger build. If everything was configured correctly it should succeed.
  • Synchronize it with the platform
    • Before you are able to deploy connector to the Productsup platform a CDE admin will need to assign you Platform account to the connector. You can open a request in the developer portal or reach out to your contact person.

Main features

Conenctor exit code

Connector exit code determines whether a site run in the platform is marked successful or failed. You should mark run failed when connector can not perform required actions - for example invalid authentication data.

import sys

sys.exit()  # successful run is 0
sys.exit(1) # unsuccessful run is 1

Container API client

Container API is used to interact between connector and the platform. In this demo it is used for:

  • Importing products into the platform
  • Dispatching log messages, which are visible in the notification section

There is generated client inside connector/cde_container_api_client. connector/ wraps it to make it choerent to use.

Save products to the platform

from connector.container_api import ContainerApi, OutputFile

container_api = ContainerApi()

products = [
    {'id': 1, 'name': 'first_product'},
    {'id': 2, 'name': 'second product'}
container_api.append_many_to_file(OutputFile.OUTPUT, products)

Publish a log message to the platform

from connector.container_api import ContainerApi, LogLevel

container_api = ContainerApi()

container_api.log(LogLevel.ERROR, 'This is an error message')
container_api.log(LogLevel.INFO, 'This is an info message')
container_api.log(LogLevel.SUCCESS, 'This is a success message')

Failed container API call

If by any chance an invalid API call is made, connector/ will raise ContainerApiError exception.

You can use log endpoint in Container API to log an error.

Alternatively, if for some reason connector can not reach Container API, you can also write an error to STDERR. Standard error is behaving the same as error log level though Container API.

import sys
from connector.container_api import ContainerApi, OutputFile, LogLevel, ContainerApiError
container_api = ContainerApi()

products = []
    container_api.append_many_to_file(OutputFile.OUTPUT, products)
except ContainerApiError as error:
    container_api.log(LogLevel.ERROR, error.message)
    # alternatively you can also log to STDERR when there are issues with calling container api
    print(error.message, file=sys.stderr)

Individual configurations

Depending on the connector execution mode (chosen in the step when creating a connector), configurations made by the user in the platform will be passed by:

  • Command line arguments
  • Environemnt variables

In the sample connector environment variables are being used. The following snippet reads and logs the environment variable

import os

from connector.container_api import ContainerApi, LogLevel
container_api = ContainerApi()

name = os.environ.get('NAME')
if name:
    container_api.log(LogLevel.SUCCESS, 'Hello {}'.format(name))


Client generation

Generated client is included in sample connector. You do not need to regenerate the client unless there are new features available that you need.

To regenerate it, a new container api open API spec file should be fetched from the CDE API and the follow the snippet below.

# update requirements.txt
docker-compose run connector /bin/bash -c "pip install --no-cache-dir -r requirements.txt; pip install openapi-python-client; pip3 freeze > requirements.txt"
# generate client
docker-compose run connector /bin/bash -c "pip3 install openapi-python-client; openapi-python-client generate --path container-api-openapi.json"
# move client to root of the project
mv cde-container-api-client/cde_container_api_client .