
A Ktor sample project that returns Random Chuck Norris jokes

Primary LanguageKotlin

Ktor Chuck Norris Sample

A Ktor sample project that returns Random Chuck Norris jokes.

This project contains all the code used in some articles published on my website.

1. Structuring a Ktor project

2. How to persist Ktor logs

3. How to use an in-memory database for testing on Ktor

4. How to handle database migrations with Liquibase on Ktor

5. Generate API documentation from Swagger on Ktor

6. How to schedule jobs with Quartz on Ktor

Ktor 1.6.x

In the ktor-1.6.x folder, the entire project is implemented with Ktor 1.6.x.

Ktor 2.x

In the ktor-2.x folder, the entire project is implemented with Ktor 1.6.x.

The data used for the databases are from the Chuck Norris IO project.