
reader mode view for SwiftUI, based on the feeeed app

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT

Reeeed: the reader mode from feeeed

Screen recording of the Reader Mode for iPhone

Reeeed is a Swift implementation of Reader Mode: you give it the URL to an article on the web, it extracts the content — without navigation, or any other junk — and shows it to you in a standard format. It's faster, more consistent and less distracting than loading a full webpage. You can pass Reeeed a URL, and get back simple HTML to display. Or you can present the all-inclusive SwiftUI ReeeederView that handles everything for you.

Screenshot of the Reader Mode on Mac


  • ReeeederView: a simple SwiftUI Reader View that works on iOS and macOS. Just pass a URL and present it.
  • Reeeeder extractor: pass a URL and receive cleaned HTML. You also get metadata, like the page's title, author and hero image.
  • The generated HTML supports custom themes. Default and custom themes support dark mode out of the box.


  1. In Xcode's menu, click File → Swift Packages → Add Package Dependency...
  2. Paste the URL of this repository: https://github.com/nate-parrott/reeeed

Alternatively, add the dependency manually in your Package.swift: .package(url: "https://github.com/nate-parrott/reeeed", from: "1.1.0")


Simplest implementation: ReeeederView

For the simplest integration, just present the batteries-included ReeeederView, like this:

import SwiftUI
import Reeeeder

struct MyView: View {
    var body: some View {
        NavigationLink("Read Article") {
            ReeeederView(url: URL(string: "https://www.nytimes.com/2022/09/08/magazine/book-bans-texas.html")!)

ReeeederView also supports a dictionary of additional options:

public struct ReeeederViewOptions {
    public var theme: ReaderTheme // Change the Reader Mode appearance
    public var onLinkClicked: ((URL) -> Void)?

More flexible implementation

You can use Reeeeder to fetch article HTML directly:

import Reeeeder
import WebKit
Task {
    do {
        let result = try await Reeeed.fetchAndExtractContent(fromURL: url, theme: options.theme)
        DispatchQueue.main.async {
            let webview = WKWebView()
            webview.load(loadHTMLString: result.styledHTML, baseURL: result.baseURL)
            // Show this webview onscreen
    } catch {
        // We were unable to extract the content. You can show the normal URL in a webview instead :(

If you have more specific needs — maybe want to fetch the HTML yourself, or wrap the extracted article HTML fragment in your own template — here's how to do it. Customize the code as necessary:

Task {
    // Load the extractor (if necessary) concurrently while we fetch the HTML:
    DispatchQueue.main.async { Reeeed.warmup() }
    let (data, response) = try await URLSession.shared.data(from: url)
    guard let html = String(data: data, encoding: .utf8) else {
        throw ExtractionError.DataIsNotString
    let baseURL = response.url ?? url
    // Extract the raw content:
    let content = try await Reeeed.extractArticleContent(url: baseURL, html: html)
    guard let extractedHTML = content.content else {
        throw ExtractionError.MissingExtractionData
    // Extract the "Site Metadata" — title, hero image, etc
    let extractedMetadata = try? await SiteMetadata.extractMetadata(fromHTML: html, baseURL: baseURL)
    // Generated "styled html" you can show in a webview:
    let styledHTML = Reeeed.wrapHTMLInReaderStyling(html: extractedHTML, title: content.title ?? extractedMetadata?.title ?? "", baseURL: baseURL, author: content.author, heroImage: extractedMetadata?.heroImage, includeExitReaderButton: true, theme: theme)
    // OK, now display `styledHTML` in a webview.

How does it work?

All the good libraries for extracting an article from a page, like Mercury and Readability, are written in Javascript. So reeeed opens a hidden webview, loads one of those parsers, and then uses it to process HTML. A page's full, messy HTML goes in, and — like magic — just the content comes back out. You get consistent, simple HTML, and you get it fast.

Of course, these libraries aren't perfect. If you give them a page that is not an article — or an article that's just too messy — you'll get nothing. In that case, reeeed will fall back to displaying the full webpage.

Updating the Postlight Parser (formerly Mercury) JS

Last updated September 18, 2022 (v2.2.2)

  1. Replace the Sources/Reeeed/JS/mercury.web.js file with a new one downloaded from the project repo
  2. Ensure the demo app works.

Things I'd like to improve

  • Readability JS package is a few months old. They need to be updated. Ideally, this would be (semi) automated.
  • The API could use a bit of cleanup. The naming and code structure is a bit inconsistent.
  • Reeeed depends on two different HTML manipulation libraries: SwiftSoup and Fuzi. Fuzi is much faster, so I'd like to migrate the remaining SwiftSoup code to use it ASAP, and remove the dependency.
  • Some day, I'd like to write a fully-native renderer for extracted content.
  • Tests would be nice 😊