A flutter package for showing a country, states, and cities. In addition it gives the possibility to select a list of favorites countries.
- 2
- 0
dropdownColor no longer taken into account
#30 opened by jaymeschroeder - 0
cupertino look
#28 opened by kephren226 - 0
please add hint and hint style
#27 opened by zuherabud - 6
- 1
Default Value Suggestion Change
#26 opened by joemersonsouza - 0
- 2
Text overflow in listview
#22 opened by jaymeschroeder - 1
Allow customization of "State" text
#23 opened by jaymeschroeder - 7
Not able to remove flag from country
#15 opened by arpan451 - 0
please add default value feature
#17 opened by shrishti08 - 1
Hide country picker
#16 opened by xxJeevesxx - 4
Font error
#12 opened by Cbrow01k - 5
the dropdown not showing....
#13 opened by gbbest15 - 1
Default Value
#9 opened by KMACEL - 8
- 2
Latest Source Not in Pub.Dev
#8 opened by MthokozisiMtolo - 1
Mounted state check
#4 opened by MthokozisiMtolo - 5
What is id in country.json
#1 opened by iqfareez - 2
Add search text form field
#2 opened by tajjacob