OpenFoodFacts Viz

A dataset scrapped from Open Food Facts.


  • off/ sources optained from Open Food Facts
    • data-fields.txt documentation of the fields for the product database
    • categories.txt product taxonomy
    • products (not versionned, available from OFF database)
  • tsv/ cleaned data sets ready for use with d3.js
    • categories.tsv list of all non empty categories
    • categories_taxonomy.tsv parent/children relation between categories
    • products.tsv all 167300 products
    • products_additives.tsv product/additive relations
    • products_categories_full.tsv product/category relations (all categories, including parents, listed for all products)
    • products_categories_min.tsv product/category relations (only most specific categories)
    • products_countries.tsv product/country relations
    • products_labels.tsv product/label relations
  • viz/
    • cookies.html sample visualisation of elements from the cookies category generated using d3.js
  • vendor/ vendorized libraries
    • d3

The tsv folder also includes restrictions of the while products.tsv dataset to specific categories:

file # products
products_only_cookies.tsv 697
products_only_mueslis.tsv 1056
products_only_breakfast-cereals.tsv 2711
products_only_breads.tsv 3872
products_only_fruits-based-foods.tsv 8741
products.tsv 179448


Files in the off/ directory come from the Open Food Facts project and are licenced under the Open Database License.

Files in the tsv/ directory are extractions of the OFF database, and as such are made available here under the Open Database License.