- AngularJS v1.1.5+ is currently required.
Write the bundles and place them in an accessible location
Add the module to your dependencies
angular.module('myApp', ['tmh.dynamicI18n', ...])
- Configure where the bundles are located
- If your application needs only one bundle, then set it as the default
- Use the directives
to i18n your application. E.g.
<span tmh-dynamic-i18n-content="{key: 'foo'}" tmh-dynamic-i18n-attr="{bar: {key: 'baz'}}"></span>
This will replace the content of the tag with the template from the default bundle and locale for the key 'foo'
It will also set the attribute bar
with the text of the template under the key 'baz'
The tmhI18nTemplate
is used to define new phrases. E.g.
<tmh-i18n-template locale="en" bundle="test" key="hw">Hello {{name}}</tmh-i18n-template>
The attribute key
is mandatory and is the key for this phrase. The attributes locale
and bundle
are optional,
if these are not defined, then the default values are used.
The tmhI18nContent
directive replaces the content of the element with the rendered phrase. The value of this attribute
must be an object, the following properties are recognized:
The key to the phrase, this property is mandatorylocale
The locale to the phase, this property is optional. When this value is not present, the default locale is assumedbundle
The bundle to the phrase, this property is optional. When ths value is not present, the default bundle is assumedlocals
The local that will be present while rendering the template
<div data-tmh-i18n-content="{bundle: 'test', key: 'hw' locals:{name: 'Lucas'}}"></div>
The tmhI18nAttr
works just like the tmhI18nContent
directive, but it is used to set i18n values to attributes. The value
of the tmhI18nAttr
attribute must be an object. For each property within this object, the same rules of tmhI18nContent
to set the value of a i18n attribute
<div data-tmh-i18n-attr="{tooltip: {bundle: 'test', key: 'hw' locals:{name: 'Lucas'}}}"></div>
This will set the value of the attribute tooltip
the text of the template named hw
using the locals {name: 'Lucas'}
To keep the phrases in a separated file, it is possible to keep all the phrases for a given bundle and locale in a
separated location. When a phrase that needs of a particular bundle is needed, then the bundle will be loaded and cached.
The method bundleLocationPattern
is used to specify the location where a particular bundle can be found. E.g.
The input of this method is the pattern to locate the bundles. The locals bundle
and locale
are recognized and represent
the bundle name and the specific locale.
Method that works as getter/setter for the default locale. When used as a getter it returns the current default locale
or the empty string if there is no default locale. The default locale is set to 'en'
. E.g.
tmhDynamicI18n.locale(); // Get the default locale
tmhDynamicI18n.locale('it'); // Set the default locale to 'it'
Changing the locale will force every tmhI18nAttr
and tmhI18nContent
that does not have a hard-coded locale, to be refreshed.
Method that works as getter/setter for the default bundle. When used as a getter it returns the current default bundle
or the empty string if there is no default bundle. The default bundle is set to ''
(no bundle). E.g.
tmhDynamicI18n.defaultBundle(); // Get the default bundle
tmhDynamicI18n.defaultBundle('test'); // Set the default bundle to 'it'
Changing the default bundle will not cause tmhI18nAttr
nor tmhI18nContent
to be refreshed. If this is needed, call refreshAll()
Method to add a new template programmatically. E.g.
tmhDynamicI18n.setTemplate({locale: 'en', bundle: 'test', key: 'hw', template: 'Hello World'})
Forces every tmhI18nAttr
and tmhI18nContent
to re-render their values. Use this method with care.
Install Node.js and NPM (should come with)
Install global dependencies
:$ npm install -g grunt-cli bower
Install local dependencies:
$ npm install $ bower install
$ grunt karma:unit
to run the test once
$ grunt karma:autotest
to run the tests continuously