
just a single html to iterate on function calling

Primary LanguageHTML

Single file olllama chat app for testing Function calling.

  • no install
  • barebone
  • portable
  • lightweight (5kb chatclient)
  • open source
  • no buildstep
  • easy to adapt to your needs
  • minimal design
  • performant
  • no abstractions

What it does?

  • just a big text area for your prompt every time its a new chat so 1 shot only
  • streams the data back and logs the result
  • try to parse result to a json and show console log of result



Run on port 3000

  • Fetch the index.html and run a static server

  • node

npx http-server -p 3000

  • python

python3 -m http.server 3000

  • docker

docker run -p 3000:80 -v $(pwd):/usr/share/nginx/html nginx:alpine


  • different model? other stuff, just change the index.html


  • Do what every you want with it.

Credit to Daniele for the prompt
