
Leiningen plugin for building and releasing Clojure web applications into RedHat OpenShift clouds

Primary LanguageClojureEclipse Public License 1.0EPL-1.0


Clojars Project

A Leiningen plugin to build and deploy your Clojure applications to RedHat OpenShift.

Inspired by https://blog.openshift.com/using-clojure-on-openshift/


In :plugins in your project.clj:

[lein-openshift "0.1.1"]

To build uberjar for your application and release it to OpenShift via S2I builder:

$ lein openshift release

It is possible to run the command two or more times. In that case the steps for project creation, application creation and build creation are skipped.

The steps for uberjar creation, starting build and service exposure are done each time.


You can add the following configuration options at the root of your project.clj:

:openshift {:namespace "openshift-namespace"
            :app "application-name"
                  "KEY2" nil}
            :domains ["example.com"]
            :recreate true}


  • :namespace is your project's name (or group ID if there is one)
  • :app is your project's name (without group ID)
  • :env map defines environment variables that would be used for application creation and is empty by default
  • :recreate is false by default and if true then patches your deployment configuration to use Recreate deployment strategy
  • :domains is the list of domains to expose sevice to and is empty by default

Releasing your OpenShift applications

You can use Leiningen to handle your technical release process. In order to do that with your application, configure your release tasks similar to that:

:release-tasks [["vcs" "assert-committed"]
                ["change" "version" "leiningen.release/bump-version" "release"]
                ["vcs" "commit"]
                ["vcs" "tag"]
                ["openshift" "release"]
                ["change" "version" "leiningen.release/bump-version"]
                ["vcs" "commit"]
                ["vcs" "push"]]


Copyright © 2018 Sergey Sobko

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.