
Extract static content from Ring endpoints

Primary LanguageClojureEclipse Public License 1.0EPL-1.0


Clojars Project

A Leiningen plugin to extract static content from Ring endpoints.


In :plugins in your project.clj:

[lein-ring-extract-static "0.1.3"]

To extract static into resources/public and create Dockerfile for serving them:

$ lein ring-extract-static

To build Docker container from extracted resources:

$ lein ring-build-static

To build and run Docker container:

$ lein ring-build-static run

To build and push Docker container to repository:

$ lein ring-build-static push


You can add the following configuration options at the root of your project.clj:

  :ring {:handler your-app.core/app
         :port 8080
         :static {"/" "index.html"
                  :image-name "example/example-static"}}

Defaults in :ring:

  • :handler is your ring handler against which all content is extracted
  • :port is the port of your web application (or 3000 by default)
  • :static is a map of resources to be extracted from the handler with keys as endpoints and values as files to be written and Docker image name


Copyright © 2018 Sergey Sobko

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.