
A Trivia application with user authentication that stores scores in a MySQL database. Pulls questions from the OpenTriviaDB. Utilizes Bulma for styling and Handlebars for templating.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Trivia Application

If you're a fan of trivia then you'll love this Trivia Application! This is a trivia application that gives random trivia questions, tracks scores and adds it to a team. Our application prompts the user with a series of questions and awards 10 points for every rcorrect answer given.. The username is stored on the high score leader board.

Functionalities of the Trivia Aplication:

###Installation:To install locally, Clone repo, Npm Install, Insert Schema into MYSQL Workbench,


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Installation:Installing Prerequisites To start a dev server, run the following command: npm install

Clone Repo, NPM I ins, Insert Schema into MYSQL Workbench After cloning the repository to local, the dependancies should be installed. Run the following in the root of the repo terminal.

Technologies: Node.js,Express.js, Velocity, Sequelize, MYSQL

Sign up


Play game Series of questions 10 points for each answer answered correctly

Then provide the username to save your score

Play again Here is a link to play for yourself and share with your friends, : https://serene-inlet-83004.herokuapp.com/

High Scores Database --> leader board

High scores Personal

Contributors: Chris Mims, Karla Silva, Murphy Vaughn, Tammy Cuthbert