CPSC 5031 Homework 5 (5 pts)

Heap Sort

Let’s write more code! Implement HeapSort per the algorithm* to sort an array A in ascending order.

Which algorithm? You pick. A big part of “algorithms” is knowing how
to convert mathy pseudo-code into your language of choice. So use the
textbook, use the slides, use the Internet... just pick one and run with it.

Here’s what you need to turn in:

  1. Where you got the algorithm from
  2. Your code
  3. The output of your code
  4. An explanation of why you chose the test cases you did


  1. How many test cases do I need? You decide. It’s your code, so you should best know where things might go wrong. Add test cases that explore each of these places where something could break.
  2. Can I get the algorithm off Wikipedia? Yes. It just has to implement HeapSort.
  3. Are HeapSort and insertion into a Heap the same thing? NO. They are most definitely not the same thing! Make sure you’re doing HeapSort!
  4. Why are you making us write so much code that you said will just be in a library anyway? Because the best way to get better at coding is to write more code. That’s why I say “Let’s write more code!” in every homework and on the tests. Keep doing it and you’ll get just a little bit better every time. 👍