
This website displays the student portfolio of work for a fictitous Jane Doe. It makes use of the bootstrap 3 framework. The main file index.html is released to the public domain. View at https://profphillips.github.io/portfoliobootstrap/ .

First, use your browser to fork a copy of portfoliobootstrap to your own github account:

  1. Use a web browser to log in to your github.com account.

  2. Use your browser to visit https://github.com/profphillips/portfoliobootstrap/ .

  3. Click on the Fork icon to copy this project to your github account and view it there.

Follow these steps to use your repository (assumes a Linux / Apache2 server with public_html web folders and git):

  1. Log in to your Linux server account

  2. To see your globals type: git config --list

  3. If missing email or name then give the next two commands:

a. git config --global user.email "yourname@whereever.edu"

b. git config --global user.name "First Last"

  1. Change into your public_html folder and type:

a. git clone https://github.com/youraccountname/portfoliobootstrap.git

b. cd portfoliobootstrap

  1. Make some changes to index.html and save

a. git status

b. git add .

c. git status

d. git commit -am "your comment here"

e. git status

f. git push -u origin master

  1. Make more changes. If no new files are added you can just type:

a. git commit -am "new comment"

b. git push

  1. Use your web browser to verify that your updated files are in your GitHub repository.

  2. Use your web browser to visit https://youraccountname.github.io/portfoliobootstrap/ to see what your website looks like; for example, my example page is at https://profphillips.github.io/portfoliobootstrap/ .