
Simple Minecraft/Voxel engine implementation in Rust using OpenGL

Primary LanguageRust


Simple Minecraft/Voxal Engine clone written in Rust and OpenGL


To run, simply clone the repo and run cargo run --release:

git clone https://github.com/profsucrose/rustycraft && cd rustycraft && cargo run --release

Local Worlds

To play, you can do so locally by going to "Open World" and typing in a world name (which refers to the name of a world folder in the game_data/worlds directory) and then clicking "Open."

You can move around with WASD and jump with Space. You can right-click to place a selected block at wherever your cursor is pointing and left-click to destroy any targeted block. You can use the UpArrow and DownArrow to cycle through the block options.

The left Super/Command/Windows key can be used to unfocus or focus the window if the cursor is captured. Esc is used to exit the current world or server; world chunks are saved automatically whenever a block is placed or destroyed so there's no need to do so manually.

The F1 and F3 keys are used for toggling the GUI/text and for toggling FPS/Fly camera modes respectively.


You can host a server from the corresponding repository here!

To play on a server, go to the "Connect to Server" menu, type in the server address and then click "Connect." Assuming the specified server address is online you will proceed to join and receive chunk data. You can specify a port with :<port_number>, but the default is 25566 (which is also the same when hosting a server).

I myself am hosting a little RustyCraft server at craft.profsucrose.dev. Feel free to hop on if you want to try out this project's server functionality or potentially try to build something collectively!


The functionality/"gameplay" is of course identical to playing locally, however you can send messages in the server chat by pressing T, typing your message and pressing Return to send it.