
Android: Netrunner Facebook Chat Bot

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Android: Netrunner Facebook Chat Bot using facebook-chat-api

Inspired by: netrunnerbot and stimbot

I decided to make a fun little facebook "chatbot" for our community's facebook chat. For it to work you need a copy of the netrunnerdb list of cards to a local file (cardlist.json) and reads from that.


To run, you need to have forever installed globally

npm install forever -g

Clone the repository

git clone https://github.com/profwacko/Amihan-1.0.git

Install dependencies

npm install

Download netrunnerdb cards from API in JSON format


Then run init script


You must then enter facebook account details for the bot account. No account credentials are saved in the files permanently.


Chat Command Format

Amihan Bot listens for text with the following format within messages:

['card name'] or ['card name'MODIFIER] or [COMMANDS]

Amihan returns card text and other information for 'card name'

  • $f - flavor
  • $ndb - netrunnerdb links
  • $faq - ANCUR link


  • help - show list of commands
  • rand - random card
  • flavor - random flavor text
  • flip - flips a coin
  • psi - 'play' a PSI Game
  • about - return github page