
First experience in developing site with Spring Boot on Java.

Primary LanguageJava

Konstantinople Bank

My first experience in developing applications with Spring Boot on Java. Something features may not work, because I'm a noob in enterprise development :) So, this project is really simple, but with it some begginers could understand some rules, principles of Spring Framework. I think, in present world there is a place to my project architecture and selected by me technologies. Good luck!


This is a pure version of online bank, which contains

  • clients
  • bills(Accounts)
  • transactions

Application handle users operations with bills:

  • put money
  • withdraw money
  • transfer to another bill

But this is only the main functional, your fantasy isn't limited, so you can add more functionality.

At the moment there are three realizations in three branches:

  • With Hibernate and Spring Data - master
  • With JdbcTemplate only - JdbcTemplate
  • With MyBatis - MyBatis(main)

Technology stack:


  • Spring Boot v.1.5.9
  • Spring Security
  • Spring WEB
  • Spring devtools
  • Lombok
  • Flyway
  • MySQL
  • Maven
  • MyBatis


  • Vue.js
  • Bootstrap 4
  • Vuex
  • Vue-router
  • Axios
  • Browserify + vueify


  1. You need to install JDK and JRE to your pc\server. (for backend)

  2. Please install Node JS/npm (for frontend)

  3. Clone Repository in your folder

    git clone https://github.com/profyan99/Konstantinople-bank.git


Configure connection to database

  • Open config file db.properties, which is located at src\main\resources

  • Edit these fields


Configure CORS settings

  • Open SecurityConfig.java

  • Find line

    CorsConfigurationSource corsConfigurationSource() { ...
  • Change values in setAllowedOrigins to what you want

Notice: It is for a while, until I bring the configuration into separate files

Install and start the backend server

  • Package and run back-end server

    mvn install spring-boot:repackage
    java -jar target\demo-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-spring-boot.jar
  • If you have some errors with UTF-8 encoding, then try

    java -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -jar target\demo-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-spring-boot.jar

Install and run the front-end

  • Build front-end

    cd frontend
    npm install
  • Run front-end

    npm run build

dev version in development


  1. Github issue
  2. profyan@mail.ru